Disk error -36 occurred while reading or writing to scratch disk Sorry ,but this error is unrecoverable.磁盘读取时发生错误-36或写暂存盘 抱歉,这个错误是不可恢复的。把暂存盘换一下试试看,编辑--首选项--性能,把现在用的暂存盘勾去掉,换别的空间大的盘,可以勾选多个,确定 重启动PS ...
When you launch Photoshop Elements, you get the error: “Could Not Initialize Photoshop Elements because the disk is full.” Reason This issue means that the start-up disk is running low on space or out of available space. 註解: Photoshop Elements needs at least 3 GB disk space to launch....
I am getting a disk error for jpg files -20003. These are files that have existed before, I have opened another file and then tried to save as that name. If I rename it will save fine, if I move the location. I get this error even if I delete that file from that lo...
Explorer , /t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/photoshop-disk-error-20003/td-p/14280259 Dec 05, 2023 Dec 05, 2023 Copy link to clipboard Copied I am getting a disk error for jpg files -20003. These are files that have existed before, I have opened another file and then tried...
When you launch Photoshop Elements, you get the error: “Could Not Initialize Photoshop Elements because the disk is full.” Reason This issue means that the start-up disk is running low on space or out of available space. 註解: Photoshop Elements needs at least 3 GB disk space to launch...
读写交换文件时,出现磁盘错误1。很遗憾,此错误不可恢复。硬盘可能有坏道 重新设置交换文件的位置 最好是交换文件不在系统所在的硬盘(至少两块物理硬盘)
读写交换文件时,出现磁盘错误1。很遗憾,此错误不可恢复。硬盘可能有坏道 重新设置交换文件的位置 最好是交换文件不在系统所在的硬盘(至少两块物理硬盘)
How To Fix Photoshop Scratch Disk Errors Here are steps you can try to get rid of the scratch disk error message and get Photoshop working correctly again. Free Up Storage Space on Your Computer’s Hard Drive (Most Important) First, you probably want to check how much storage space you ha...
photoshop出错Disk error-1 occurred while reading or writing to a scratch disk。 photoshop总出现这个毛病(Diskerror-1occurredwhilereadingorwritingtoascratchdisk,sorry,butthiserrorisunrecoverable.)我一共有四个盘符,C盘是系统盘不安任何操作软件(软件的职行...
Part 4: Bonus Tip: How to Clear the “Scratch Disk Full” Photoshop Error on Mac To resolve theScratch Disks are Full Errorproblem in Photoshop on a Mac, follow a few simple actions to clear up space or adjust the scratch Disk settings. Here's a step-by-step procedure for fixing the...