The dualistic behavior of light has always presented a problem to scientists in general, and spectroscopists in particular. A model of a photon has been proposed which has mass, and a matched positive and negative charge. The properties of the proposed particle would be expected to behave as ...
This energy is however negligible, of the relative order of 10^-27 depending on the material. We also establish a transparent connection between the one-photon model and the electrodynamics of continuous media accounting for the mass transfer effect. The coupled field-matter description of light ...
Here we report a widely applicable and straightforward method for light-limited batch cultivation of phototrophic bacteria at different, yet constant, growth rates. We illustrate its usage with Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, a model cyanobacterium used as a chassis for sustainable cell-factories and ...
The quantum of light is called aphoton. 光的量子就称为光子. 辞典例句 Thephotonpropagation model andphotonpropagation rule are two key components of bioluminescent imaging. 研究生物组织中的光子传输模型和光子传输规律,是开展在体生物光学成像研究的两个关键环节. ...
We describe a novel type of blockade in a hybrid mode generated by linear coupling of photonic and phononic modes. We refer to this effect as hybrid photon–phonon blockade and show how it can be generated and detected in a driven nonlinear optomechanical superconducting system. Thus, we study...
The interaction between photons and a single two-level atom constitutes a fundamental paradigm in quantum physics. The nonlinearity provided by the atom leads to a strong dependence of the light–matter interface on the number of photons interacting with
The first experiment shows a strong anticorrelation between the triggered detections on both sides of a beam splitter. This result is in contradiction with any classical wave model of light, but in agreement with a quantum description involving single-photon states. The same source and detection ...
Synonyms Schott noise ; Shot noise Related Concepts Sensor Fusion Definition Photon noise, also known as Poisson noise, is a basic form of uncertainty associated with the measurement of light, inherent to the quantized nature of light and the independence of photon detections. Its expected magnitude...
Through virialization, DPDM particles in our galaxy have a typical velocity around \({v}_{0}\equiv 1{0}^{-3}\) of the speed of light, and thus they are highly non-relativistic. The total energy of a DM particle is then the sum of its mass energy and kinetic energy, i.e., \(...
a Optical image acquired by illuminating the sample simultaneously by a HeNe laser and 10 nm band pass filtered light from a halogen lamp. The circular spot corresponds to PL from an SPE. b, c Selected X- and Y-line cuts of the camera image taken through the alignment mark and SPE (dot...