27_The Kitchen Garden 05:47 28_The Sun King - Louis XIV 05:34 29_Inside the Palace 05:39 30_After the Hunt 05:32 31_Making the King's Soup 04:58 32_Fountains and Frogs 06:00 33_The People of the Longhouse 05:45 34_The Three Sisters ...
just as large numbers of Black immigrants and migrants were arriving in that part of the city. He set up a studio at the Toussaint Conservatory of Art and Music with his sister, Jennie Louise Van de Zee, also known as Madame E Toussaint, who had founded the conservatory in 1911. In 191...
From: PhotoSeed Archive Right: Four photographs of Mexican churches by Henry Ravell, including the Templo De Marfil De Arriba photograph, were published in the February, 1914 issue of Century Magazine for a picture spread titled “Old Churches in Mexico”: “The churches of Mexico, built about...
Horoscope chart of Louis XIV cast by his astrologer, J.B. Morin of Villefranche, from Astrologia Gallica (the Hague 1661). Early horoscope diagrams were drawn in the shape of a square.
027_Photo Travels 27_The Kitchen Garden_bilibili 04:49 028_Photo Travels 28_The Sun King - Louis XIV_bilibili 04:38 029_Photo Travels 29_Inside the Palace_bilibili 04:43 030_Photo Travels 30_After the Hunt_bilibili 04:36 031_Photo Travels 31_Making the King s Soup_bilibili ...
It "has been living" an interesting life since its foundation (the middle of XIV century). But the Lavra is not the only place of interest of Sergiev Posad... views: 207,605 Flight to stratosphere above the Caucasus Mountains We are pleased to present you with our new flight in ...
I suggest that the mystery at the core of La mort de Louis XIV is not death but the cinematic image itself, not the body as matter but rather the body as a virtual image capable of traversing and surviving different temporal organizations. Through this reading, Serra's cinema emerges as a...
Lens: Jack London (58%) Film: Sequoia Flash: Triple Crown Definition: 33 • Highlights: -29 • Vibrancy: +41 • "Bonfire beneath the moon and lava glow."
028_Photo Travels 28_The Sun King _ Louis XIV 04:38 029_Photo Travels 29_Inside the Palace 04:43 030_Photo Travels 30_After the Hunt 04:36 031_Photo Travels 31_Making the King,s Soup 04:09 032_Photo Travels 32_Fountains and Frogs 05:00 033_Photo Travels 33_The People of the Long...
028_Photo Travels 28_The Sun King - Louis XIV 04:38 029_Photo Travels 29_Inside the Palace 04:43 030_Photo Travels 30_After the Hunt 04:36 031_Photo Travels 31_Making the King's Soup 04:09 032_Photo Travels 32_Fountains and Frogs 05:00 033_Photo Travels 33_The People of the Long...