bending them to the purposes of Elizabeth I herself. In her Tilbury speech she had insisted that despite having a woman's "feeble" body, she had the stomach of a king - "and a king of England too".The Armada Portraitmakes the same point...
The structural treatment of a series of large dynastic portraits of Louis XIV and family on-site at Chateau de Balleroy, NormandyDimond, JimMacCallum, Warwick
Depuis l’année dernière, les deux grands festivals de musique classique du Pays Basque –Musique en côte Basqueet l’Académie Ravel– ont fusionné pour créer une nouvelle manifestation : leFestival Ravel. Placé sous la houlette du pianiste et chef d’orchestreJean-François Heisser...
Lot 1229 A LOUIS XV ENAMELLED GOLD CARNET DE BAL MARKED PARIS, 1773, WITH CHARGE MARK OF JULIEN ALATERRE, 1768-1775, AND DECHARGE MARK OF JEAN-BAPTISTE FOUACHE, 1775-1781 Rectangular with beaded borders, decorated with cornfower blue stripes, one side mounted with a miniature of a lady i...
00 Louis XIV, regency, rococo, neoclassical, empire, art nouveau, and historicist pastiche: furniture styles march across French history as regimes rise and fall. In this extraordinary social history, Leora Auslander explores the changin... Leora - Taste and power : furnishing Modern France 被引...
Louise-Anne de Bourbon-Conde was a grand-daughter of Louis XIV and a renowned libertine. This essay investigates the Natoire portrait in relation to other portraits of Charolais and women in Franciscan attire. A connection is established with another notorious eighteenth-century libertine, the ...
Jean-Marc Nattier was a French Rococo painter noted for his portraits of the ladies of King Louis XV’s court in classical mythological attire. Nattier received his first instruction from his father, the portraitist Marc Nattier (c. 1642–1705), and from
French Rococo chairsChairs in the French Rococo style by Louis Delanois (1731–92); in the Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, Paris.(more) Excellent examples of French Rococo are the Salon de Monsieur le Prince (completed 1722) in the Petit Château at Chantilly, decorated by Jean Aubert, and ...
David’s death was the leading Neoclassicist in France.Anne-Louis Girodetwon a Prix de Rome but stopped painting after 1812 when he inherited a fortune and turned to writing. The famous pupil was Ingres, who was important as a Neoclassicist in his subject paintings but not in his portraits...