Word Wheel: Long OO Words Cut the wheel and attach both parts with a paper fastener. Spin the wheel to read the words boom, moo, boo, pool, tool, stool, school, and cool. Kindergarten to 2nd Grade Word Wheel: Short OO Words This version has the words cook, book, good, wool, look...
Long OO -Â Word Wheel Phonics word wheel: boot, cool, pool, school, moo, boo, and tool. Kindergarten to 2nd Grade Short OO -Â Word Wheel Phonics word wheel: cook, book, wool, look, took, wood, hook, and foot. Kindergarten to 2nd Grade Word Family Word Wheels -ack Word Whee...
phonics words(蒲公英拼读王1-6册全)书本 字母 AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZzalligator,applebear,birdcat,cardog,duckelephant,eggfish,froggoose,goathen,horseIndia,igloojuice,jamkite,kangaroolion,lampmoon,mousenurse,nestox,octopuspig,pandaqueen,quitrabbit,robotsun,snaketurtle,tiger...
short oo: book foot cook long oo: cool spoon bedroom PS: oo在单词中优势也读作(音标),如blood, flood等。 15: 特殊辅音字母组合 kn=n: knock knife wr=r:wrist write -mb=m: lamb climb -tch=ch: catch switch tion=sion=cian PS: ti=si=ci=sh, 后面的元音字母都弱读为/ə/,所以tion=sion...
level 1:alphabet level 2:short vowels level 3:long vowels level 4:consonant blends level 5:letter combinations unit 5 mm nn oo level1u5 , simon english club , 3分钟 手绘笔记可参考下方文章链接哦 自然拼读教学技巧 | 26英文字母之...
CVC words a e i o u Short Vowel Sounds Phonics 1:01:52 Long Vowels Lesson 1 Long Vowel a (ape, ate, ake) 4 Step Phonics 14:28 Long Vowels Lesson 2 Long Vowel a (ace, ase, ave, age) 4 Step Phonics 15:56 Long Vowels Lesson 3 Long Vowel a (ale, ame, ane) 4 Step Phonics...
oo(long):kangaroo, toothbrush, zoo, igloo, broom, spoon, stool, room, stoop, hoot oo(short):book, look, cook, good, foot, goodbye 绘本单词:bloom,zoom,tool,boom,cool,flute,lute,goose,swoop,moon,food,hoot, toot 附加字母组合&单词: (1)oi/oy :boy,toy,enjoy,noise (2)ou/ow:cow,flower...
Long Vowel Word (长元音单词):长元音单词的规则有好几条,这里举个例子:自然拼读中有一个很常见的...
自然拼读概要:short a, i, o, e,u, L-blends, s-blends and r-blends; end blends, Consonant Digraphs th, sh, -ng, Inflectional Ending -es ; Long a: a_e, long i: i_e, long o: o_e, long u: u_e, long e: e_e, Soft c, soft g, dge; /u:/: oo, u; words with ar,...