When he has to write words he doesn’t know, Jabez gets his point across by spelling phonetically. Discover More Other Words From non·pho·net·i·cal·lyadverb un·pho·net·i·cal·lyadverb Discover More Word History and Origins
The Australian Phonetic Alphabet is a way of spelling out letters that can be easily misheard over the telephone. A classic example of this is how names can be confused. For example, the name “Mickey” sounds very much like “Nicky”. Even asking for clarification can complicate things here...
Consider, for example, the initial of the first name in phonetic combination with the last. 比如,要考虑“名”的首字母和“姓”在读音上连读的问题。 One of his first jobs was to memorize a phonetic script (Thai has a different alphabet than English). 他所要做的第一件事就是记忆语音文字...
Alliteration头韵;谐头韵 OftenusedintheoldEnglishpoetry.Themostfamousexampleofalliterativepoetry:theOldEnglishepic,Beowulf.Mostobviouslyin:flashynewspaperheadlines,advertisements,businessnames,comiccharacters,andproverbs.a.Usedinpoetry UponJulia'sVoiceSosmooth,sosweet,sosilveryisthyvoice,As,couldtheyhear,theDamned...
German Phonetic Spelling CodeCountry Variations (German) Notes: 1. Örlikon (Oerlikon) is a quarter in the northern part of Zurich. It is also the name of a 20mm cannon first developed during WWI. 2. The official German code word is the name "Zacharias," but it is rarely used. ...
To spell "Club", for example, you would say: "C for Charlie, L forLima, U for Uniform, B for Bravo." It is very easy to learn English Phonetic Spelling. Start by spelling your name, then your company or address. Soon, you will know the whole alphabet. It also helps to remember ...
In 1868, Ambroise Firmin-Didot suggested in his book Observations sur l'orthographe, ou ortografie, française (Observations on French Spelling) that French phonetics could be better regularized by adding a cedilla beneath the letter "t" in some words. 在1868年,Ambroise Firmin-Didot 在他的著...
It is very easy to learn this Spelling Alphabet. Start by spelling your name. Soon, you will know the whole alphabet. It also helps to remember that there are several groups of words that go together, like:学习拼写字母表非常简单。可以先从拼写自己的名字开始,很快你就能把整个字母表都掌握了,...
译文示例:These systems are conceptually equivalent to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) commonly used in bilingual dictionaries and scholarly writings, but tend to use symbols based on English rather than Romance-language spelling conventions (e.g. ē for IPA /i/) and avoid non-alphabetic ...
25、Consider, for example, the initial of the first name inphonetic combination with the last.(比如,要考虑“名”的首字母和“姓”在读音上连读的问题。) 26、One of his first jobs was to memorize aphonetic script (Thai has a different alphabet than English).(他所要做的第一件事就是记忆语音...