This will enable the SME sector, particularly women entrepreneurs, to contribute significantly to national development. Some of the gender-based barriers to implementing laws, policies, and programs in support of women entrepreneurship, such as the lack of institution...
Additionally, Thai law prohibits discrimination based on gender, religion, race, or nationality in the workplace. Sexual harassment is also illegal and can result in both civil and criminal penalties for offenders. Workers have the right to form labor unions and engage in collective bargaining. How...
In the 2018 Board Assessment, the rating of 4.8 on a scale of 0 to 5, 5 being the highest, was obtained for the Company's process of selection to ensure that all directors meet the qualifications prescribed under the CG Manual, applicable laws and regulations and that there is a mix of...
These dimensions were goals/vision/ mission, budgeting, staffing, operations, standards, curriculum/instruction, facilitating procedures and structures, staff development, and spiritual matters. Demographic information was gathered concerning the educators' age, gender, qualification, years of teaching ...
Gender ParityRegulatory QualityPLS-SEMThis article offers a discourse on institutional factors relating to micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) incidences in the Philippines. The analyses in this study utilized data from the Asian Development Bank(ADB), the World Bank(WB), the ...
The first section of the questionnaire consisted of (1) a six-item question used to determine the respondent’s demographic information, such as gender, age, educational background, residential area in Metro Manila, monthly allowance/salary, and the frequency of their use of e-jeepneys (weekly...