The HIV crisis in the Philippines is driven largely due to condomless sex among communities of transgender women and cisgender men who have sex with men (trans-WSM and cis-MSM, respectively). Condom use could be promoted by increasing social capital in these communities because social capital ...
Piocos III De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines Asri Saraswati Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia C. W. Watson University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom Edwin Wieringa Universität Köln, Cologne, Germany Monika Swasti Winarnita University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, ...
4 The Philippines NGO case study is a good reference. 5 Yoko Fujikake, “Rural Women's Voices Reaching Policy—Examining the Potential of Empowerment Evaluation in Central and South America,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on “‘Gender and Development’ and the Local Needs: Networking...
Hi all, I was able to change the VoiceID of the Auto Attendant using the following code: $AutoAttendant = Get-CSAutoAttendant -Idenitity %id% $AutoAttendant.VoiceId = 'Male' Set-CSAutoAttend... eliekarkafy When Googling on "nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Female" there is just 1 hit...
spending in the Philippines, including gender-responsive and results-oriented budgeting at the local level and use of a performance-based system. 介绍了菲律宾的注重两性平等的 规划和公共开支情况,包括在地方一 级的注重两性平等和 注重成果的预算编制以及业绩系统的使用情况。 d...
fathers’ nighttime caregiving30, but shared family sleep has been linked to lower testosterone levels in cosleeping fathers in the Gambia and the Philippines31,32. Additionally, and relevant to the present paper, BaYaka fathers are regularly involved in hands-on care of infants and young children...
The Philippines was ranked 8th in the latest GlobalGender GapIndex of the World Economic Forum, where it closed its male-femalegender gapsinfour inter-linking areas: economic [...] 菲律宾 在以下四个相互联系的领域内缩小了其男性-女性性别差距:经济参与机会...
Johnson [45] analyzed the ‘glamour’ and ‘style’ displayed by gay entries in local beauty contests in the southern Philippines. Ochoa’s [18] concept of “spectacular femininities” invokes “a kind of hyper femininity intended for display, [...] created as the objects of an imagined ...
However, women’s decision-making agency and autonomy are important in their own right as a source of gender empowerment (Kabeer 1999) and as a development goal, as embodied in Agenda 2030′s fifth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of gender equality. It is necessary, however, to recognize ...
This page is a resource explaining general sociological concepts of sex and gender. The examples I cover are focused on experiences of otherness. In sociology, we make a distinction between sex and gender. Sex are the biological traits that societies use