Everything you need to know about the definitions of marketing. Marketing is a very broad term that is difficult to conceptualize and define.
Philip Kotler: Marketing is the Original Behavioral Economics Social marketing provides a more holistic approach to influencing behavioral change. By Philip Kotler I often see writers equating “nudging” with behavioral economics. It’s as if nudging is the essence of behavioral economics. As much ...
by Philip Kotler A Generic Concept of MarketingMasjers, Marketing
2024年第十本书,重读Philip Kotler的营销管理,当年商学院学的是第9版,如今已经更新至第16版。新的marketing现实,包括四大主要市场力量、三大关键市场结果,以及全方位营销的四大基本支柱。具体而言就是,技术、全球化、环境、社会责任四大力量,从根本上改变了消费者与公司的交互方式,为消费者和公司提供了新的能力,也带...
©2000 Prentice HallObjectivesObjectives Course OrganizationCourse OrganizationTasks of MarketingMajor Concepts & Tools of MarketingMarketplace OrientationsMarketing’ ’s Responses to New s Responses to New ChallengesChallenges Tasks of Marketing Major Concepts & Tools of ...
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作者:Philip Kotler 出版社:Prentice Hall 出版时间:1984-00-00 印刷时间:0000-00-00 页数:794 版次:5 ,购买Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning and Control, Fifth Edition等管理相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网
作者:Philip Kotler 出版社:Prentice Hall 出版时间:0000-00-00 印刷时间:0000-00-00 ,购买Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and Control等语言文字相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网
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