型号:PHGL-3/4 分辨率:0.01 品牌:博取仪器 测量精度:0.01 加工定制:是 电源电压:220V/24V 重量:0.01 测量范围:0-5000mg/L 外形尺寸:1 离子浓度计流通池 PHGL-3/4型 产品名称:离子浓度计流通池 测量介质:无 产品型号:PHGL-3/4 测量范围:无
To solve this problem, a drug-drug interaction hierarchical graph neural network model called PHGL-DDI is proposed, which considers both the graph-level information of drugs and the network-level information of DDI. Specifically, each node in the DDI network view represents a drug, and the ...
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Our Mission: Through the improvement and strengthening of the character of the individual man, Freemasonry seeks to improve the community, thus, it impresses upon its members the principles of personal righteousness and personal responsibility; enlightens them as to these things which make for human ...
PH测量范围 0-14pH 溶解氧测量范围 0~20mg/L 电导率测量范围 0~5000μS/cm 温度测量范围 0-100℃ 浊度测量范围 0-1000NTU 品牌 格林凯瑞 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格不同而发生变化,如用户与商家线下...
产品名称:gLPH重组蛋白 处理gLPL重组蛋白时的注意事项包括: 溶解性与缓冲液:gLPL重组蛋白应溶解于适当的缓冲液中(如PBS或Tris缓冲液),保持中性或弱 碱性(pH 7.2-7.4),以确保蛋白质稳定性和活性。 储存条件:gLPL重组蛋白应储存在-80°C的低温环境中,避免反复冻融。分装后储存可以减少蛋白 质失活的风险,...
商品名称:海康威视4g监控器摄像头户外内置电池 用流量卡手机远程 360度全景无死角高清全彩夜视 DS-2DE 3Q120MX-T/GLSE/PH03【200万】 不含内存卡 商品编号:10079075471557 店铺:海康威视麦垦专卖店 存储编码:H.264,H.265 存储方式:内存卡 焦距:4mm
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