The Physics Education Technology (PET) project is an ongoing effort to provide an extensive suite of simulations for teaching and learning physics and to make these resources both freely available from the PhET website ( and easy to ircorporate into classrooms. The simulations (...
在今年公布的六个获奖项目中,包括了由2001年诺贝尔物理学奖得主卡尔·威曼(Carl Wieman)教授所发起的PhET互动仿真程序(PhET Interactive Simulations)。PhET(Physics Education Technology) 最初是一个物理教育技术计划,随着计划的不断发展,越来越多学科互动仿真程序的出现,如今...
You can pick simulations by category or see all simulations to pick the one you need to work with. The available categories include physics, chemistry, math, earth science, biology, translated sims, and prototypes. Translated simulations are currently available in as many as 97 languages...
physics educationquantum theory/ PhET simulationsquantum mechanicsPhysics Education Technology Projectvisual representations/ A0150H Instructional computer use for education A0365 Quantum theoryquantum mechanicsQuantum mechanics is counterintuitive, difficult to visualize, mathematically challenging, and abstract. The...
Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology and Earth science, which are explored by University of Colorado Boulder. The PhET platform gives a great help for teachers and students to learn. The application of PhET interactive simulations is still needed to be developed and improved in the teaching of...
PhET Interactive Simulations(物理教学模拟) 网址:PhET 简介:由科罗拉多大学博尔德分校提供,包含大量互动模拟,帮助理解物理概念。 Physics Stack Exchange 网址:Physics Stack Exchange 简介:一个物理问答社区,可以提问和解答各种物理问题。 Coursera 网址:Coursera ...
Engage in learning science and math with the award-winning PhET simulations! Whether understanding atoms, exploring energy, or mastering multiplication, there i…
The Physics Education Technology (PET) project is an ongoing effort to provide an extensive suite of simulations for teaching and learning physics and to make these resources both freely available from the PhET website ( and easy to ircorporate into classrooms. The simulations (...
The Physics Education Technology (PhET) Project no... SB Mckagan,KK Perkins,M Dubson,... - 《American Journal of Physics》 被引量: 163发表: 2007年 Oersted Medal Lecture 2007: Interactive simulations for teaching physics: What works, what doesn't, and why We give an overview of the ...
PhET Interactive Simulations is my first choice when explaining any and all physics concepts! Simulations are structured into different levels of complexity, enabling students to focus on different learning objectives within each concept. The lesson materials provided are also an awesome resource to… Sh...