Phet (otherwise known as Phet Interactive Simulations) is a series of programs designed to aid in higher-level education. They are specifically engineered to address subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and science. It was first released to the public in 2011 and since this time, it...
The Physics Education Technology (PET) project is an ongoing effort to provide an extensive suite of simulations for teaching and learning physics and to make these resources both freely available from the PhET website ( and easy to ircorporate into classrooms. The simulations (...
The Physics Education Technology (PET) project is an ongoing effort to provide an extensive suite of simulations for teaching and learning physics and to make these resources both freely available from the PhET website ( and easy to ircorporate into classrooms. The simulations (...
发布日期: 九月5, 2016 价格: Free 操作系统: Android, 上周下载: 609 附加要求 没有 PhETv2016-06 互动模拟. PhET 截图 PhET 编辑评价 FromWikimedia CH:由诺贝尔奖获得者Carl Wieman于2002年创立,科罗拉多大学博尔德分校的PhET Interactive Simulations项目创建了免费的互动数学和科学模拟。 PhET sims基于广泛的...
— Einstein Online - Free physics Animations- - Getting Started with Statistics Concepts - MathAppendices - Quantum Levitation - YouTube - Middle School - PhET Simulations - Molecular Mysticism - consciousness & quantum physics ~ Reality is an illusion - YouTube - Calabi–Yau ...
The Physics Education Technology (PhET) project creates useful simulations for teaching and learning physics and makes them freely available from the PhET website ( The simulations (sims) are animated, interactive, and game-like environments in which students learn through...
PHYSICSAs stipulated in the "K to 12 Program" of the Department of Education, Philippines, the traditional way of teaching and learning should be transformed into electronic learning where ICT skills and technologies are introduced to the 21st-century learners, as well as 21s...
The Physics TeacherPerkins, K., Adams, W., Dubson, M., Finkelstein, N., Reid, S., Wieman, C., & LeMaster, R. (2006). PhET: Interactive simulations for teaching and learning physics. The Physics Teacher, 44(1), 18-23.Perkins, K., W. Adams, et al. (2006). "PhET: ...
(2017). The effectiveness of physics education technology (phet) interactive simulations in enhancing matriculation students' understanding of chemical equilibrium and remediating their misconceptions. In M. Karpudewan, A. N. MdZain, & A. L. Chandrasegaran, (Eds.) Overcoming Students' Misconceptions...
introduction to harmonic motion phet lab answeranswers to records management 9th edition simulationsanswers to harvard business school simulations bingprojectile simulation lab answersprojectile lab simulation answersprojectile practice problems and answersConceptual Physics Practice Page Projectile Answerssound inc ...