The meaning of PHENOMENAL is relating to or being a phenomenon. How to use phenomenal in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Phenomenal.
uncanny unparalleled unprecedented forms (1) Forms phenomenal world cross-references (1) Cross-references phenomenal idealism rhymes (2) Words with the same terminal sound abdominal nominal Comments Log in or sign up to get involved in the conversation. It's quick and easy.Company...
(Philosophy)philosophythe doctrine that statements about physical objects and the external world can be analysed in terms of possible or actual experiences, and that entities, such as physical objects, are only mental constructions out of phenomenal appearances. Compareidealism3,realism6 ...
Define phenomenality. phenomenality synonyms, phenomenality pronunciation, phenomenality translation, English dictionary definition of phenomenality. n the state or character of being phenomenal Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th
Mach's phenomenalism and the British reception of Mendelism. Phenomenalism and the Reality of Body in Leibniz's Later Philosophy Between platonism and phenomenalism: Reply to Cao Normative Phenomenalism: On Robert Brandom's Practice-Based Explanation of Meaning ...
One of the main problems of the philosophy of science is that of arriving at a plausible conception of the relations between (1) the phenomenal or commonsensical world that is apprehended in perception and described by natural language and (2) the world
The foundation for man’s relationship to the real world is goal-directed activity. The fundamental, vital meaning of consciousness and the historical necessity for its emergence consist in ensuring goal-directed activity aimed at transforming the world and subordinating it to the interests of man an...
Phenomenal World08/01/1619:30 The Queen’s language is weird and it has been made much more weird as it travelled around the world…. Here’s food based trivia There are some words that throw you off completely and when you know the meaning it leaves you shocked or completely like an ...
National Geographic Atlas of the National Parksis focused on the history of 61 National Parks and showcases world-class photography of each park combined with the incredible knowledge and storytelling of a former National Park Ranger. The book is full of beautiful full-color photos and with inform...
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