Usage Note:Phenomenonis the only acceptable singular form of this noun;phenomenais the usual plural.Phenomenonsmay also be used as the plural in nonscientific writing when the meaning is "extraordinary things, occurrences, or persons":They were phenomenons in the history of music. ...
Usage Note:Phenomenonis the only acceptable singular form of this noun;phenomenais the usual plural.Phenomenonsmay also be used as the plural in nonscientific writing when the meaning is "extraordinary things, occurrences, or persons":They were phenomenons in the history of music. ...
What is the meaning of Phenomenal Woman?Phenomenal WomanPhenomenal Woman was a poem written by acclaimed African American poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou. It is a lyrical poem written in very few lines. The poem was originally published in 1973....
The meaning of SLY is wise in practical affairs. How to use sly in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Sly.
As interpreted by Husserl, phenomenology is a science that deals with the perception of essence; it is a philosophical “archaeology,” seeking to discover the a priori elements of consciousness; its goal is to reveal the object’s meaning, which is obscured by various contradictory opinions, wor...
of that damage that I take from hits… triggers Defiance of Destiny causing me to recoup 24% of my missing unreserved life before the hit damage is calculated. Then on top of that 20% of my Lightning and Cold damage is taken as Fire… meaning that damage is reduced by my 88% ...
Second, people care about meaning or purpose. If you have a life that’s full of smiles and laughter, but it seems kind of pointless, people will get a little bored and feel a little less thrilled after a week. They’ll think, “Well, what’s it all about?” Third, recent data ...
On the other hand, F1 cars' top speeds are limited by the circuits and draggy aero, meaning the highest speed you’ll see in a season these days is generally around 220mph with the assistance of slipstream and DRS. Meanwhile an IndyCar in superspeedway setup will nudge 240mph in clean ai...
Usage Note:Phenomenonis the only acceptable singular form of this noun;phenomenais the usual plural.Phenomenonsmay also be used as the plural in nonscientific writing when the meaning is "extraordinary things, occurrences, or persons":They were phenomenons in the history of music. ...
Usage Note:Phenomenonis the only acceptable singular form of this noun;phenomenais the usual plural.Phenomenonsmay also be used as the plural in nonscientific writing when the meaning is "extraordinary things, occurrences, or persons":They were phenomenons in the history of music. ...