University of ChicagoDoctor of Philosophy in FinanceMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyPhD Program in FinanceLondon School of Economics and Political ScienceMRes|PhD FinanceUniversity of California--Los AngelesDoctor of Philosophy in FinanceValeonInterview01大四下定决心申请,却收到默默微笑,认真劝退这篇申请...
Harvard Program in Therapeutic Science, Harvard Medical School The Harvard-MIT Center for Regulatory Science is seeking a fellow with training or expertise in the neurosciences.The fellow will work withfacultyat Harvard Medical School, Harvard-Affiliated Hospitals or MIT, and benefit from interactions a...
最后只要读你在本科阶段就锚定的未来老板的 PhD 就行了。到头来你也成为了 UCB/Standford/MIT/CMU 的...
从不被看好到翻盘逆袭! 学生基本情况 Y同学 GPA:3.7+ GRE:330+ TOFEL:110+ 录取院校 University of Chicago Doctor of Philosophy in Finance Massachusetts Institute of Technology PhD Program in Finance London School of Economics and Political Science MRes|PhD Finance University of California--Los Angeles ...
The National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI) supports a PhD program in Space Life Sciences at MIT with a specialty in Bioastronautics. (A sibling program operates at TAMU.) It gives broad training in biomedical sciences, emphasizes hands-on field experience in bioastronautics, provides ...
我个人觉得PS(i)少提成绩(ii)点明感兴趣教授(iii)最后一段针对不同项目有不同的说法,即回答Why this program (this university) but not others;CV把主要亮点放在前面突出的位置即可。 5、感谢世毕盟 最后,非常感谢GGU的老师和mentor在申请过程中反复为我修改文书,解答我关于套磁和面试的疑惑,甚至基于我的选校...
拿我在的普林斯顿应用数学系举例吧,全名叫program in applied and computational mathematics。这个项目里没有直属的教授,而是囊括了普林数学系,化学系,EE甚至神经科学,社会科学的教授。并且大部分的应用数学PhD项目,它是不对gre数学 subject 成...
Wharton也是一应俱全。3、MIT的Sloan商学院 麻省理工大学的斯洛恩商学院,优势在于technology和entrepreneurship方面。有一个Strategy and international management的program,大概有10个教授吧,应该说是个很好的地方,但是给人的感觉是比较散,就是教授之间研究的方向差别还是挺大的。
申请要点 学位要求:Bachelor 申请链接: 招生电话: +1-617-253-7819 招生邮箱 邮寄地址:Uploaded a transcript to the application system.
Generation of physician-scientists manpower: a follow-up study of the first 294 graduates of the Harvard-MIT Program of Health Sciences and Technology The MD program of the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology was founded in 1970. One of its goals was the application of the...