芝加哥大学的计算机专业,提供Masters Program in Computer Science (MPCS)项目,分为9-COURSE PROGRAM和12-COURSE PROGRAM,后者的课程多一些,并且有实习。芝加哥大学的MPCS注重工作技能培养,并且可以接受各种转专业申请。 3. Duke University(CS专业排名第25名) 杜克大学的计算机系,提供Master of Science in ComputerSci...
下面来看看论坛上搜集到的一些CS PhD录取数据(2015年): MIT, Berkeley, Yale, U Mich 本科:东南大学,GPA:3.5/4,RANK:15% 研究生:香港科技大学,GPA:4/4 GRE: 146+3 TOEFL: 106 PAPER: 3顶会一作,1 Trans 一作,3 IEEE fellow牛推 Reject: Stanford MIT, Berkeley, CMU, Cornell 本科:南浙复交,GPA...
UIUC ISE (Feb 14, offer; March 19, declined)Computer Science Program List MIT EECS (Feb 23, ...
计算机专业博士申请看重什么答哥:计算机专业的博士申请竞争非常激烈,由于博士招生教授的影响因子很大,标准不好琢磨,所以答哥这里根据卡内基梅隆大学计算机学院教授MorHarchol-Balter的Applying to PhD Programming in Computer Science的中文译稿整理出来,给要申请计算机博士的同学做个参考,看看计算机专业的博士申请看重哪些因素...
physics, computer science, or engineering. 申请链接:http://www.eecs.mit.edu/academics-admissions/graduate-program/admissions/dear-prospective-applicant 招生电话:617-253-4603 招生邮箱:grad-ap@eecs.mit.edu 邮寄地址:EECS Graduate Office, MIT, Room 38-444, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139...
可能准备申请一些美国学校的PhD和research-oriented MS。在我list上前几的有MIT、Cornell、GATech。但是估计会全聚德。 占坑,先这样。 @巫幺 目前大四。本科在华盛顿大学读的philosophy (honors program)和communication双专业。GPA到目前为止...
The candidate is encouraged to work in close collaboration with other members from thePRB group, and especially theCV lab. Requirements 申请要求 In Artificial Intelligence or Engineering / Computer Science or a similar field, with: A strong background in Computer Vision, Image Processing, and Machi...
收获MIT PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,UCB Ph.D in Computer Science,CMU PhD Program in Machine Learning,Princeton Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science,Duke Master of Science in Computer Science,UIUC Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science等超高难度博士录取!
To this end, it will be contributing to machine learning innovations in computer science and engineering. However, it will also be guided by marine law, policy, and ethics from the social sciences, with important research questions relating...