Today, you and I will quickly talk about the topic titled“HIRI PhD Positions & Postdoctoral FellowshipsFor International Students In Germany”. This has become necessary as a result of the very many emails we have been receiving from our site subscribers concerning when the HIRI PhD Positions ...
All positions will be funded by the Cluster of Excellence cfaed, located in Dresden, Germany. Positions and Requirements: As a doctoral student of cfaed you will work within and be fully integrated into the cluster. Therefore, an interdisciplinary work and research approach are indispensable. We ...
PhD positions in LMU, Munich, Germany 研究组计划招聘PhD学生 (详情请见下面的广告),博士期间工资由DFG项目提供,收入按照德国TVL-13等级 (50% - 65%), 税后(已扣除公立医疗保险费用)大概有1200 - 1500 欧每个月 (德国税后工资跟个人的工作年限,婚姻状态,有没有小孩有直接关系)。德国慕尼黑大学注册,毕业之后...
PhD positions in Sweden (50) PhD positions in Germany (34) PhD positions in Luxembourg (25) PhD positions in Austria (17) PhD positions in France (17) PhD positions in Norway (13) PhD positions in Finland (13) See all Main fields PhD positions in Engineering (221) PhD po...
16 CiM-IMPRS International PhD Positions in Muenster, Germany The International Max Planck Research School IMPRS-Molecular Biomedicine and the Graduate School of the Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre (CiM) are excited to announce its International PhD Positions in Muenster, Germany. The funding pro...
PhD positions in Cellular and Molecular Plant Biology We currently offer the opportunity for suitable candidates to conduct a PhD thesis in the laboratory of Prof. Jürgen Kleine-Vehn at the renowned University of Freiburg in Southern Germany. The Chair group of Molecular Plant Physiology (MoPP) is...
The University of Cologne is a university in Cologne, Germany. It was the sixth university to be established in Central Europe. Scholarship Description: Application Deadline: December 15, 2017 Course Level: These positions are available to pursue PhD. Study Subject: These positions are awarded in...
学校官网会放出open positions,这种情况在博士学习期间, PhD candidates 被雇佣为RA。 方式2 申请一系列的funding programs,比如IDEA League Scholarship: Applied Geophysics,Advanced Research Opportunities Program (AROP),Erasmus+ Internship Support。 另外,除了大学之外,德国还有几个非常著名的研究所系统。比如:马普所...
Doing a doctorate in Germany What opportunities and paths to a PhD in Germany are there? How does the path to a doctorate in Germany succeed? Why is it worth doing a doctorate in Germany and how to prepare for a doctorate? Find all the information on how to get a PhD in Germany –...
Fully Funded PhD Programs in Spanish and Portuguese Fully Funded PhD Programs in Statistics Fully Funded PhD Programs in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL) Other lists: Fully Funded PhD Positions in Germany Fully Funded PhD Programs in the United Kingdom ...