大部分Max Planck Institute每年会有一两个时间段开放博士的申请,他们称为International Max Planck Research School(IMPRS),可以在感兴趣的马普所的网站上看到他们所IMPRS的链接,里面有申请的截止时间和对申请材料的要求。 另附几个找PhD positions的网站: http://www.nature.com/naturejobs/science/jobs http://ec....
16 CiM-IMPRS International PhD Positions in Muenster, Germany The International Max Planck Research School IMPRS-Molecular Biomedicine and the Graduate School of the Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre (CiM) are excited to announce its International PhD Positions in Muenster, Germany. The funding pro...
PhD positions in the field of molecular medicine, age-related diseases, immunology, molecular and lipid metabolism, cardiovascular research and biostatistics
involving collaboration with academic and industrial project partners from Germany, Italy, Finland, Poland and Spain. This EU project is of outmost relevance in facilitating the establishment of iron as a carbon-neutral energy carrier providing long-term energy storage...
Doctoral Researcher (f/m/d) Virus Bioinformaticswww.helmholtz-hzi.de/en/career/open-positions/jobs/view/job/details/doctoral-researcher-fmd-virus-bioinformatics/ 申请截止时间:06/08/2021 00:00 - Europe/Brussels 2. PhD Student in Statistical Genetics / Bioinformatics (f/m/x),Helmholtz Zentrum...
Dear Colleagues, please distribute this to potentially interested candidates: The Computational Aerosol Physics group at the University of Helsinki, Finland is looking for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers to work with research topics relevant to the group. ...
The seventeen projects are located in six countries across Europe (Austria, Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom) and represent a variety of research areas, including computational biology, machine learning, health science, geo and environmental science, and computer science. Applicants, who are P...
例如:Inquiry on PhD Positions in 2021 Fall/Application to XXX PhD in 2021 Fall 2. 一次没有收到回复别放弃,请大胆继续发 正如上一点说的,一个教授每天都会收到无数封邮件,所以他们忘记回邮件或者没看到套瓷信的概率是很大的。如果一次没有回邮件的话,其实再发一次无伤大雅。不必担心教授会嫌烦,曾经有个...
明确告诉你他不招生或者没有funding,比如unfortunately I don’t have any open positions 。但这种回复...
PhD funding in Germany isn't usually restricted by nationality. Some scholarships, such as those from the DAAD, are specifically for international students, but other opportunities are simply open to all suitably qualified applicants. Funding from research institutes and associations ...