The PhD stipends will be available for PhD projects in all areas of experimental and theoretical chemistry at the Faculty of Science. This includes organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, nanochemistry, materials chemistry, food chemistry, chemical biology, biological chemistry, quantum...
申请学位:phd MSc in Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry 麦吉尔大学(英文:McGill University)为一所坐落于加拿大魁北克的公立研究型大学。学校成立于1821年英国殖民地时期,以著名蒙特利尔商人、格拉斯哥大学校友詹姆士•麦吉尔为名,其遗赠为大学成立的基础。麦吉尔后成为美国大学协会中,两所位于美国本土以外的成员之一。
PhD in Food Science 基本信息 学位类型: 博士 开学时间: 秋季 申请截止日期: 1月15日 申请要求 托福: 总分:80,口语:80,写作:80 雅思: 总分:6,口语:6,写作:6 GPA: 3 申请材料 Transcript: All applicants must send their original transcripts to the University Registrar’s Office. The FSHN department...
Blafar Ltd. and Prof Wenxin Wang’s Lab, located in University College Dublin (UCD) in Ireland, is seeking motivated, passionate candidates to embark onPhD doctoral studies in Polymer Chemistry / Chemistry / Biomaterials Engineering / Biomedical Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Biochemistryor a ...
该论文发表在2022年的《Food Chemistry》杂志上。研究探讨了发酵苜蓿作为雌马酚及其前体大豆黄酮的新型膳食来源的潜力。研究团队通过优化发酵工艺,显著提高了苜蓿中雌马酚和大豆黄酮的含量,并评估了这些化合物的雌激素样活性。结果表明,发酵苜蓿可作为一种有效的功能性食品原料,为更多人群提供植物雌激素补充。这项研究不仅开...
PhD in Chemistry / Biomaterials at University College Dublin in collaboration with Blafar Ltd. University College Dublin | Charles Institute of Dermatology博导:Prof Wenxin Wang截止日期:全年可申 资助的博士项目(全球学生) 项目描述: About the Project Overview of the Post: Blafar Ltd. and Prof Wenxin...
1.Research Topic: You design and perform high-quality scientific research related to the use of insects as ingredients of novel foods and as source of functional molecules for usage in foods, with the aim to deliver a doctoral thesis in the research field of food chemistry and technology. The...
该论文发表在2022年的《Food Chemistry》杂志上。研究探讨了发酵苜蓿作为雌马酚及其前体大豆黄酮的新型膳食来源的潜力。研究团队通过优化发酵工艺,显著提高了苜蓿中雌马酚和大豆黄酮的含量,并评估了这些化合物的雌激素样活性。 结果表明,发酵苜蓿可作为一种有效的功能性食品原料,为更多人群提供植物雌激素补充。这项研究不仅...
1.Research Topic: You design and perform high-quality scientific research related to the use of insects as ingredients of novel foods and as source of functional molecules for usage in foods, with the aim to deliver a doctoral thesis in the research field of food chemistry and technology. The...
Dr. Decker was an Assistant Professor in the Food Science Section of the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Kentucky from 1988 to 1993 after which he joined UMass as an Associate Professor in Food Chemistry. He was named the Fergus Clydesdale Endowed Chair from 2002-2007. ...