This fully funded PhD position is part of the EU Horizon 2020Marie Sklodowska Curie ITN[此即为玛丽居里ITN项目]project entitled "ODECO: Towards a Sustainable Open Data ECOsystem" (see ODECO is a four-year project involving 15 PhD projects covering each a specific part ...
This studentship is fully funded under the EPSRC iCASE scheme and will cover tuition fees and an annual stipend for four years. The stipend will be equivalent to the current UKRI PhD base stipend (£15,609 for 2021/22) plus a supplement of £3,000 p.a. The preferred start date is...
Material Science or Chemistry. Experience in the field of material synthesis and/or material characterization by NMR spectroscopy is important and highly valued. We are looking for highly motivated, committed, and creative individuals, able to work in teams. Working in a top-level research environmen...
This fully-funded PhD position is part of the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska Curie ITN project entitled "ODECO: Towards a Sustainable Open Data ECOsystem" (see ODECO is a four-year project involving 15 PhD projects covering each a specific part of the open data eco...
I have participated in two major externally funded research projects:PLEEC_ Planning for Energy Efficient Cities_ of which I contributed substantially to the development of the work package I was in, andCOHESIFY_ Understanding the Impact of EU Cohesion Policy on European Identification, in which I...
Medical Center, leading amongst other things to strategic investments in the form of three large industry-funded labs (with ING, DSM and setup in the assessed time period for a duration of five years. Furthermore, we have invested extensive effort in public outreach, explaining ...
the Bible, as it is, is the spiritual treasure of the West, just as the Holy Quran, the Vedas and other traditional scriptures are spiritual treasures as well. The Bible shouldn't be made out to be something other than what it is, for the value of a treasure resides inwhat it is. ...
1. Two fully-funded Ph.D. positions are available in the Artificial Intelligence Institute at the University of South Carolina (AIISC), Columbia, USA南加州大学,计算机工程全奖博士 About Me I am an Assistant Professor in the Artificial Intelligence Institute of UofSC (AIISC) and the Department of...
This fully funded PhD position is part of the EU Horizon 2020Marie Sklodowska Curie ITN[此即为玛丽居里ITN项目]project entitled "ODECO: Towards a Sustainable Open Data ECOsystem" (see ODECO is a four-year project involving 15 PhD projects covering each a specific part ...
The advantage of the proposed MFGM-PHD filter can be fully demonstrated in a dense clutter environment. Figure 13 shows that as the detection probability decreases, the computing time of the joint-GLMB filter increases, the average computing times of the proposed MFGM-PHD filter and LGM-PHD ...