PLL (Phase Locked Loop): It is a phase-locked loop or a phase-locked loop, which is used to unify and integrate clock signals to make high-frequency devices work normally, such as memory access data. PLL is used for feedback technology in oscillators. For many electronic devices to work...
鎖相環 Phase-Locked Loop 一個鎖相環(PLL)是一個設計用於同步板子時脈與外部的時脈訊號的電路。鎖相環電路會比較外部訊號與電壓控制的石英震盪器(VCXO)之間的相位,接著會去修正震盪器的時脈訊號去與參考訊號的相位之間吻合。因此,訊號之間將會精密的同相。 當在處理訊號擷取時,由於鎖相環會使得多個裝置共享一...
An eigenfrequency can be tracked by resonant excitation with a Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) in order to monitor a certain parameter. As an example, a cantilever beam with a time-variant mass at its end is analyzed. In this contribution, the FRF of this beam will be derived, which is the ...
A Phase-Locked Loop for a Separately Excited DC-Motor Speed Control with Improved Transient Response (Japanese Title: 過渡応答を改善したPLL方式直流他励電動機の精密速度制御) 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 19 作者:K Matsui,N Sato ...
An eigenfrequency can be tracked by resonant excitation with a phase-locked loop (PLL) in order to monitor a certain parameter, e.g. the mass distribution. In this contribution the frequency response function (FRF) of a beam is derived, which is prerequisite for the following resonant ...
An inductorless phase-locked loop with subharmonic pulse injection locking was realized (PLL area: 0.11 mm2) by adopting 90 nm Si CMOS technology. The proposed circuit is configured with two cascaded PLLs; one of them is a reference PLL that generates reference signals to the other one ...
The phase locked loop used for carrier recovery in Figure 4.3 exhibits a problem, in that a phase error ambiguity exists: If the output of LO2 divided by 2 is in phase with the carrier applied to M1, then the recovered data will have one polarity; if it is out of phase, the recovered...
Basic block diagram of a phase-locked loop. When we have a locked condition, all the signals in the loop have reached a steady state, and the phase-locked loop operates as follows. The phase detector produces an output whose DC value is proportional to Δϕ. The low-pass filter ...
A phase-locked loop for a driver circuit for operating a MEMS gyroscope, including a seismic mass that is excitable into oscillations. The phase-locked loop including an input inter
An electrical circuit is disclosed, which comprises a phase locked loop (PLL) circuit and a PLL start-up circuit configured to selectively provide a reference signal to t