A new structure for phase-locked loop (PLL) system is disclosed. As with conventional PLLs, the present invention consists of phase detection, loop filter and voltage-controlled oscillator units. An alternative phase detection structure, inspired by concepts from adaptive filtering and dynamical ...
PHASE LOCKED LOOP SYSTEM 优质文献 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献On a perturbed phase-locked loop system: A simple physical model The stochastic Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) system, a non-linear dynamic circuit, is an appealing and non-trivial case in the general theory of dynamical system... BG Gaw...
Tune the components of a passive loop filter to improve the loop bandwidth of a phase-locked loop system. Digital Phase Locked Loop Model a digital phase locked loop using the Mixed-Signal Blockset™. In a digital phase locked loop, phase detection is performed by a time to digital converte...
A phase-locked loop system for 7–18 and 37.5–78-GHz commercial microwave generatorsPractical/ microwave generationphase locked loopsrubidium/ phase-locked loop systemcommercial microwave generatorsrubidium frequency standardfrequency range7 to 18 GHz...
A system is provided that includes a phase lock loop component to output a first signal based on a reference clock signal and a feedback clock signal. A clock distribution network may distribute a clock signal based on the first signal output from the phase lock loop component. Additionally, ...
A New Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) System Authorized licensed use limited to: NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on August 09,2010 at 07:01:03 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This Phase Locked Loop (PLL) system can be used to synchronize on a set of variable frequency, three-phase sinusoidal signals. If the Automatic Gain Control is enabled, the input (phase error) of the PLL regulator is scaled according to the input signals magnitude....
PLL主要模块: Phase Detector 类似EA, 放大 data in和dclock的 time difference. 送到 Loop filter. 经过Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). 这里有环路稳定性考量. DPLL不稳定的标准是the edge of output is not synchronized with the data, 即 not locked. ...
An enhanced phase-locked loop (PLL) system is presented and its properties and performance characteristics are investigated. Advantages of the proposed PLL structure over the conventional PLLs including its capability of direct estimation of amplitude and phase angle of its input signal, within a wide...
A 0.4-V, 90~350-MHz PLL with an active loop-filter charge pump. IEEE Trans Circuits Syst II, 2014,61, 319 [75] Cheng K H, Tsai Y C, Lo Y L, et al. A 0.5-V 0.4–2.24-GHz inductorless phase-locked loop in a system-on-chip. IEEE Trans Circuits Syst I, 2011, 58, 849 [...