Section:Pharmacology of Anti-Cancer Drugs 肿瘤微环境中癌症免疫和药物干预的逃避机制 The Evasion Mechanisms of Cancer Immunity and Drug Intervention in the Tumor Microenvironment 文章导读:近年来,癌症治疗领域的范式已经改变,转变为通过激活免疫系统诱导癌症攻击的免疫疗法。其中,免疫检查点抑制剂(ICI)因其卓越和...
[1]Department of Surgical OncologyAnthony O Stuart[2]University HasseltPaul H Sugarbaker世界妇产科杂志Van der Speeten K, Stuart A, Sugarbaker P. Pharmacology of cancer chemotherapy drugs for hyperthermic intraperitoneal peroperative chemotherapy in epithelial ovarian cancer. World J Obstet Gynecol. ...
本期由目前担任Frontiers in Pharmacology(IF: 4.4 | CiteScore: 7.8) 期刊 Pharmacology of Anti-Cancer Drugs栏目主编的鞠佃文教授,对近期发表在该栏目下的部分文章进行了推荐及点评,此为中上卷,欢迎阅读。 鞠佃文,教授,博士生导师,复旦大学药学院生物药物学系主任,上海免疫治疗药物工程技术研究中心主任。领衔研发中国...
为此,“主编荐读”集合了 Frontiers 众多期刊近期发表的优质文章,由各期刊编委汇总选送。 本期由目前担任 Frontiers in Pharmacology (IF: 4.4 | CiteScore: 7.8) 期刊 Pharmacology of Anti-Cancer Drugs栏目主编的鞠佃文教授,对近期发表在该栏目下的部分文章进行了推荐及点评,此为中上卷,欢迎阅读。 鞠佃文,教授,...
Copper Transporters and the Cellular Pharmacology of the Platinum-Containing Cancer Drugs Multiple lines of evidence indicate that the platinum-containing cancer drugs enter cells, are distributed to various subcellular compartments, and are exp... SB Howell,R Safaei,CA Larson,... - 《Molecular ...
However, recent technological advances are leading to improved therapies based on targeting distinct biological pathways in cancer cells. "Chemistry and Pharmacology of Anticancer Drugs" is a comprehensive survey of all families of anticancer agents currently in use or in advanced stages of clinical ...
Pharmacology of Anti-Cancer Drugs Pharmacology of Infectious Diseases Pharmacology of Ion Channels and Channelopathies Predictive Toxicology Renal Pharmacology Respiratory Pharmacology Translational Pharmacology The specialty sections of Frontiers in Pharmacology welcome submission of the following article types: Bri...
Shemesh1*† and Anand Rotte2,3 Abstract The success of antibodies targeting Programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) and its ligand L1 (PD-L1) in cancer treat- ment and the need for improving response rates has led to an increased demand for the development of com...
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology reports preclinical and or clinical pharmacology of anticancer drugs, covering pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics aspects. The journal publishes results recorded in the following areas: - Pharmacokinetics - Pharmacodynamics - Drug interactions - Exposure response relationships...
25楼:Originally posted byraphael813at 2012-11-05 14:03:58 有成功下载打开的吗?好像不行呢 可以...