The 500-plus patients in ASCENT had received a median of four previous anticancer treatments, but Trodelvy significantly improved OS with a median of 12.1 months, compared with 6.7 months in patients treated with chemotherapy. Johnson and Johnson & Momenta This $6.5 billion deal means that J&J ha...
LaryTuss Plus Testimonials What ourClients think about us “I feel very proud to be a part of RHOMBUS &it's div.SILICON family. This widely popular medical output generating giant organisation has done much and much to me than what I have done to it. My present state of wellbeing is co...
China is home to about 116 million, or a fourth of world’s diabetes patients, according to the International Diabetes Federation; a large market, but one dominated by industry bigwigs such as Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi, plus a few domestic pharmas such as Gan & Lee. RELATED:Baye...
Verona PharmaVerona Pharma MORE ON THIS TOPIC Patents Merck’s Injectable Keytruda Plans Create Legal Dispute With Halozyme:WSJ March 5, 2025 · 1 min read · Dan Samorodnitsky GLP-1 Novo Launches DTC Program for Wegovy, Cutting Price to $499 a Month ...
Skyplus Hotel and Resorts, Ho 61.6 Miles from Lome ConferenceMedical & PharmaScience & Research Follow2 Thu, 27 - Sat, 29 Oct 2022 The Congress Of The WCPT Africa Region Azalaï Hôtel de la Plage, Cotonou 83.7 Miles from Lome ConferenceMedical & Pharma Follow4 ...
Sanofi, for example, pulled the plug on efforts to score a European label expansion for Dupixent to treat moderate to severe chronic spontaneous urticaria in adults and adolescents, according to the committee's update. Plus, Spanish biotech HIPRA withdrew the application for an adapted version of ...
While this may sound like an “expensive” proposition, there are really few other alternatives. And with no advertising budget, plus a marketing budget that must include outreach to everyone in the supply chain including doctors, distributors and even pharmacies, the trial approach in the end may...
Though not perfect, it has added to the impetus of digitalization of the health sector in Kerala, thanks to the earlier implementation of the District Health System software (DHIS2) in all the 1000-plus public health institutions in the state. The health workers in Kerala are familiar with ...
The plus10 DataCollector provides a high-performance data infrastructure for the acquisition and pre-processing of machine data from any source such as sensors, machine or robot controllers. Its simple configuration and implementation transforms machine data into Big Data and creates value through high...
“I’m talking about clinical trials where an arm of the trial is going to be about the drug and an arm is going to be about the drug, the device and an algorithm,” Gupta said. “And the intent is to show that the drug plus the digital solution is more efficacious than the drug...