魅影之力丨Phantasmal Force< 法术 | AgelBot 于6个月前修改了此页面。 二环 幻术(吟游诗人、术士、法师) 施法时间: 1动作 施法距离: 60尺 法术成分: V、S、M(一点羊毛) 持续时间: 专注,至多1分钟 你指定施法距离内一个你能够看见的生物,并创造一个根植于其意识的幻象。该目标必须进行一次智力豁免。
Distropolis Goods 发布了一个 16 按钮 + 1 旋钮的微型 MIDI 控制器:Phantasmal Force。 它的设计非常小巧 —— 口袋大小 —— 对于空间有限的桌面来说非常有用。它是按订单生产的,所以你可以定制按钮的颜色。特点: 非常小巧。 16 个可编程的“咔哒咔哒的”触觉的开关。 1 个可编程的旋钮(功能基于最后按下...
Phantasmal Force Effect type Effect Stacking Intensity Game link [&BpOuAAA=] “ Phantasm damage increased per stack. — In-game description Phantasmal Force is an effect applied to a player's phantasms if they have the trait Phantasmal Force equipped. Retrieved from "https://wiki.guildwars2...
a phantasm created to appear as fire, a pool of acid, or lava can burn the target. Each round on your turn, the phantasm can deal 1d6 psychic damage to the target if it is in the
Advice for players and DMs on the use of the \'\'\'Phantasmal Force\'\'\' spell.Footer Links Company About Contact Advertise Support BGG Policies Community Guidelines Privacy Terms Manage Cookies Connect Facebook Bluesky Instagram Youtube Twitch Discord Download the BGG App on ...
Q: Can be the effect of phantasmal force a bag on the target's head which is moving with the target? A: Yes, assuming the illusory bag can fit in a 10-foot cube. Thus, as long as your illusion satisfies the other criteria for the spell, it can move with the target. Share Follow...
Name Lunar Pathfinder Name Fairy Tale Rebel Name Mythical Brewmaster Name Fae Creature Name Fey Archer Ranger Name Faery Taxidermy Name Mythic Beastmaster Name Elemental Force Name Sorcerers Familiar Creature Name Mythical Language Name Frost Summoner Name Elemental Ranger Name Niche Fantasy Literature ...
Has lowercase name force sword: phantasmal slayer - soul bender + Has magical critical chance bonus 2 + Has name Force Sword: Phantasmal Slayer - Soul Bender + Has preformatted base stats text Weapon Physical Atk. +694Weapon Magical Atk. +840Independent Attack +398Intelligence +67Exorcism +16...
Phantasmal Force— Phantasms deal increased strike damage for each stack of might you have. Gain might when your phantasms become clones.ChronomancerTime Catches Up— Activating a Shatter gives your illusions superspeed. Shatters deal increased damage to movement-impaired foes. Stretched Time— Flow ...
Distropolis Goods 发布了一个 16 按钮 + 1 旋钮的微型 MIDI 控制器:Phantasmal Force。 它的设计非常小巧 —— 口袋大小 —— 对于空间有限的桌面来说非常有用。它是按订单生产的,所以你可以定制按钮的颜色。 特点: 非常小巧。 16 个可编程的“咔哒咔哒的”触觉的开关。