因此我查询了网上的方法,发现了pg_dump这个方法,但是网上的描述比较杂乱,因此我查询了postgresql的官方手册https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/app-pgdump.html。 使用pg_dump和pg_restore可以非常快速进行整个database的数据迁移或者备份。 以下是pg_dump的部分选项,pg_restore相似: 1-F format2--format=format3...
-- 1.在上一步基础上进行数据恢复 [postgres@pg01 pg_backup]$ pg_restore --username=lijiaman --password --host= --port=5432 --dbname=db4 --data-only --format=custom /home/postgres/pg_backup/db1.dump --verbose pg_restore: 为恢复数据库与数据库联接口令: pg_restore: 为表"...
pgsql备份pg_dump与还原手记pg_restore(pgsql备份pg _ dump 与还原手记pg _ restore)PgSql pg_dump pg_restore backup and restore Notes (turn)I didn't expect to have been a PostgreSQL user, and suddenly the need for library porting was the first move! It turned out to be quite different ...
publicclassExampleBean { @Override publicStringtoString() { return"exampleBean"; } } @ComponentScan({"cn.tedu.service","cn.test.bean"}) @SpringBootTest publicclassExampleBeanTests { Loggerlogger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExampleBeanTests.class); @Autowired ExampleBeanexampleBean; @Test voidexampleBean...
CALL process_data(1, 'example'); CALL命令在PostgreSQL 11及以上版本中引入,主要用于增强对存储过程的支持。与SELECT命令不同,CALL命令不会返回结果集,它主要用于执行一系列操作或事务。 三、通过触发器调用函数 触发器是一种特殊的存储过程,可以在表的INSERT、UPDATE或DELETE操作时自动调用函数。触发器函数必须返回...
对于pg_dump的自定义备份custom和tar类型的备份,需要使用pg_restore进行恢复,pg_restore语法如下: [postgres@pg01 pg_backup]$ pg_restore --help pg_restore 从一个归档中恢复一个由 pg_dump 创建的 PostgreSQL 数据库. 用法: pg_restore [选项]... [文件名] ...
Restore the backup on the same database to get back at the state of the step 4: Executepsql -c "SELECT timescaledb_pre_restore()" "postgres://admin:..." Executepg_restore --host host.example.com --port 30014 --dbname biniou_5636 --user admin --clean --if-exists --no-owner -...
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC: pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 161; 1259 16549 TABLE example_table root pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: table "example_table" does not exist Command was: DROP TABLE...
I'm trying to restore a dump without having the appropriate roles on the receiving database.As mentioned here but also here, you need to have the --no-owner as an option, either in pg_dump or pg_restore or both.I've used the following command line to create my dump:...
example_db_query_test.go Replace travis Aug 24, 2021 example_hstore_test.go Remove ORM shortcuts Jul 15, 2020 example_many2many_self_test.go Remove ORM shortcuts Jul 15, 2020 example_many2many_test.go Add DBI Mar 26, 2021 example_model_test.go ...