文档地址:https://postgresql.org/docs/current/app-pgrestore.html 并行化与单表限制 当处理以"目录"格式 (-Fd) 创建的转储文件时,你可以使用-j(--jobs) 选项,通过运行多个pg_restore工作进程来加速恢复过程。但是,如果有一个或几个大表,这种并行化并不会有帮助 — 单表的转储或恢复不支持并行化。在第 8...
https://postgres-howto.cn/#/./docs/20?id=how-to-use-pg_restore Descriptionxiongcccc added Gitalk /./docs/20?id=how-to-use-pg_restore labels Nov 18, 2024 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment ...
Running pg_restore with the --exit-on-error or --single-transaction options will remedy this, but will also cause Postgres to treat the error in the question above as a full blown fatal error, not just a warning (because again, it doesn't actually know that it's oka...
You also have similar restore options. I will usepsqlbelow butpg_restoreworks the same: $# dump a remote database and restore to your local machine$pg_dump -hremotedb.mydomain.comtest1 | psql test2$# dump a local database and restore to a remote machine$pg_dump -hremotedb.mydomain...
$ pg_restore -d testdb --create -n schema_name backup.dump Note: When the-Coption is employed, the database nametestdb(in the above command) is only used to run the initial “DROP DATABASE testdb” and “CREATE DATABASE testdb” commands, but the data is restored into the database...
$ pg_restore -d tecmintdb tecmintdumpdir Compressed PostgreSQL Database Backup If the database you are backing up is large and you want to generate a fairly smaller output file, then you can run a compressed dump where you have to filter the output ofpg_dumpvia a compression tool such as...
pg_dump -U postgres database_name > database.sql Running pg_dump in batch (unattended) If you plan to back up a database automatically, then you might need to get rid of a password prompt. It will be useful if you run a backup in a batch or scripts where no user is present to ...
Similarly, we can restore the .dump backup file. Go to database manager, then back up the database in the pg_dump custom format (without filestore), we will get a file .dump format Run the following commands in the terminal to restore the database. ...
The job messages show that ClusterControl will first discover the current topology and stop all nodes in the cluster. Then, it configures the new master and gets the other nodes to replicate from it. It will also attempt to runpg_rewindto re-synchronise the PGDATA of the downgraded master ...
> pg_restore: implied data-only restore > > I wonder is there any way to modify the dump file after create or i can > specify the database name when dump? I think you're asking for trouble trying to modify the dump file manually. ...