例如,如果你创建了一个标准的pgbench数据库 (如pgbench -i -s1000),你会发现并行化对转储和恢复都没有太大帮助,因为大部分数据都存储在单个表pgbench_accounts中。但是,如果你使用了分区 (PG13+ 支持,pgbench -i -s1000 --partitions=16),你会发现并行化可以加速转储和恢复步骤。 原子恢复 默认情况下,pg_rest...
https://postgres-howto.cn/#/./docs/20?id=how-to-use-pg_restore Descriptionxiongcccc added Gitalk /./docs/20?id=how-to-use-pg_restore labels Nov 18, 2024 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment ...
You also have similar restore options. I will usepsqlbelow butpg_restoreworks the same: $# dump a remote database and restore to your local machine$pg_dump -hremotedb.mydomain.comtest1 | psql test2$# dump a local database and restore to a remote machine$pg_dump -hremotedb.mydomain...
2. When I use Firmware Restoration to update firmware but still fails, what should I do? Please repeat the preceding steps to upload the firmware by using Firmware Restoration. If it still fails, please contact ASUS Customer Service Center.3. Why can't I enter router setting pgae after ...
One useful option is the-Cor--createoption which you can use to instructpg_restoreto create the database (specified using the-doption) in case it doesn’t exist on the cluster before restoring it. Here is an example command: $ pg_restore -d testdb -C -n schema_name backup.dump ...
Is there a way to make pg_restore ignore warnings when determining its exit status? Or is there some alternative method to pg_restore I can use that I can get more accurate success/failure information from? How can I restore the database and reliably determine programmatical...
To dump a single table, use the -t option: pg_dump -t table_name database_name > table.sql In this case, pg_dump will not dump any other database objects linked to the selected table. It means that there is no guarantee that you will be able to restore this dump on a clean dat...
-d postgres: you need to provide a database wherepg_restorecan connect to. Because this is an empty instance of PostgreSQL, you use thepostgresdatabase which is always available with the-dargument. -C: Because you have an empty PostgreSQL database, you need to provide the argument-Cin ord...
To back up allPostgreSQLdatabases, use thepg_dumpalltool as shown. $ pg_dumpall > all_pg_dbs.sql You can restore the dump usingpsqlas shown. $ psql -f all_pg_dbs.sql postgres Restoring a PostgreSQL Database To restore aPostgreSQLdatabase, you can use thepsqlorpg_restoreutilities.psqlis...
If you choose to get the custom file format, you won’t have a simple set of SQL scripts, so replaying them requires a new command, pg_restore.The base command to use pg_restore is just as simple as pg_dump:1 pg_restore -d postgrelearning -U postgres bucustom.dmp ...