Join Pfizer in the Fight Against Cancer Nearly 41% of Americans will receive a cancer diagnosis during their lifetime. By understanding their risks, people can take action to help detect it early, when it's most treatable. We’re working with our partners at the American Cancer Society to ...
Life at Pfizer Careers This is where today’s pioneers, problem solvers, and pathfinders meet to create tomorrow’s breakthroughs. Together, we can transform patients’ lives. Play Video (Opens in a new window) Discover How You Can Make An Impact ...
Join Pfizer in the Fight Against Cancer Nearly 41% of Americans will receive a cancer diagnosis during their lifetime. By understanding their risks, people can take action to help detect it early, when it's most treatable. We’re working with our partners at the American Cancer Society to ...
John Anderson, starting at Pfizer in 1873 as an office boy, opened the company's first branch in Chicago within ten years. Later he served as Chairman of the Board, 1914-1929. The Board of Directors creates the position of Chairman and elects John Anderson to that post. Anderson, who ha...
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pfizer辉瑞 - 1998 上海 辉瑞公司创建于1849年,迄今已有160多年的历史,总部位于美国纽约,是目前全球最大的以研发为基础的生物制药公司。在2017年7月20日发布的2017《财富》世界500强排行榜中,排名第173位;在2016年7月20日发布的2016《财富》世界500强排行榜中,排名第186位。辉瑞公司的产品覆盖了包括化学药物、生...
Pfizer Inc.,一家全球知名的制药巨头,创立于1849年,总部设在美国纽约,成为全球最大的制药企业之一。业务涉及制药、生物技术、医疗器械等多个领域,旗下品牌如Lipitor、Viagra等广为人知。在中国,Pfizer以其药品的广泛接受度而活跃。为适应中国市场,公司采用“辉瑞”这个中文名称,既融入了中国文化,又...
2010年的时候,Pfizer的研发成功率(From FIH to approval)是落后于行业平均水平的,2% vs 5%。而到2020年的时候,Pfizer的这一数字已经达到21%,提高了10倍,也远超11%的行业平均水平,如下图所示。 Pfizer之所以取得如此明显的成绩,主要是由于中、晚期临...
化学衍生化技术在靶向代谢组学LC-MS中的应用与进展 前言体内代谢物轮廓变化与外界刺激密切相关,代谢物的浓度可以直接反映生物体生理或病理状态。LC-MS是内源 性代谢物定量测定的主要分析方法,但由于检测偏向性问题,该方法存在分析覆盖面窄… 我爱吃虾发表于临床与分析... 2 药物化学——先导化合物的优化 青梅煮药...
Pfizer,[词典定义]辉瑞公司,总部位于美国,主要业务涉及制药领域。[双语例句]1.In fact, Pfizer has continuously enhanced its global strategy through restructuring over the past three years.事实上,在过去三年中,辉瑞公司一直通过重组来优化其全球布局。2.Experts from Imperial College London along...