In California, the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water has set notification and response levels while further research and analysis are conducted to determine the need for enforceable drinking water MCLs. more information and links to other he...
To alleviate the compliance costs for public water systems in small and/or disadvantaged communities, the EPA announced nearly $1 billion in newly availablefundingin conjunction with the National Drinking Water Standard. This funding falls under the same $9 billion investment from the Bipartisan Infras...
Daniel Newton, PE,Assistant Deputy Director, California State Water Resources Control Board’s Division of Drinking Water 3.50pm Evaluating International Approaches to PFAS Contamination, Assessment and Remediation A panel of industry experts will discuss different international approaches to PFAS contamination...
Incarcerated populations are of particular concern for toxic drinking water because they have reduced access to mitigating a known exposure. Incarcerated people are generally already in worse health and therefore more vulnerable to acute health impacts compared to the free population. They are also dispr...
Massachusetts is establishing a drinking water limit of 20 ppt for six PFAS, combined. Final regulations are anticipated to be published in the Massachusetts Register on October 2, 2020. As we previously reported, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) proposed the limit ...
Interim Drinking Water Health Advisory:Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid(PFOS) CASRN 1763-23-1 (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2022). Grandjean, P. et al. Serum vaccine antibody concentrations in children exposed to perfluorinated compounds.JAMA307, 391–397 (2012). ...
Known as “forever chemicals”, PFAS pose a main health and environmental challenge. These compounds are ubiquitous in water, food, and soil.
announced in February that PFAS can no longer be used in food packing, and the production of some of the most dangerous PFAS has been banned in the U.S. altogether. In another good step, earlier this month the White House and EPA announced thefirst-ever limits on PFAS in drinking water...
Protecting public health through innovative groundwater treatment. United States Planning clean sustainable solutions for PFAS impacted drinking water An $850 million settlement was reached in the first-ever Natural Resource Damage Claim for PFAS in the United States. ...
Correction Appended EPA’s recently released draft risk values for the two most studied per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) could result in non-binding public health goals for the chemicals in drinking water similar to the stringent levels California has proposed that fall in the parts per...