Strategies for Ultimate Sensitivity of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Water(对水中的全氟和多氟烷基化合物 (PFAS) 进行高灵敏度分析的策略) 2022 年,USEPA 发布了临时饮用水健康建议限值 (HALs),以降低公众的 PFAS 暴露风险。2023 年,EPA 针对六种 PFAS 提出了《国家基本饮用水法规》,并...
drinking waterenvironmental policyhealth and safetyThe circulation and usage of per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and PFAS‐derived products, such as Teflon and aqueous film‐forming foam (AFFF), have led to PFAS being found in organisms worldwide. PFAS are emerging chemical contaminants ...
are approximately $1.5 billion per year. President Joe Biden’s administration has dedicated $9 billion from the bipartisan infrastructure package to fund efforts to mitigate PFAS in water systems. An additional $12 billion from the package is for general improvements to drinking water infrastructure...
The EPA has developed, validated, and published four methods to support the analysis of 29 PFAS in drinking water: Method 533, 537, 537.1, and 8327. They have been through a rigorous multi-lab validation process and peer reviewed. For more detailed information on the relationship between EPA’...
While theintroduction of PFAS MCLs is a positive development for public health, it also comes with significant implementation challenges and costs, particularly for publicDrinking WaterUtilities. These entities, who are passive receivers of PFAS contamination, will bear the burden of implementing trea...
Recently, the EPA announced a proposalfor limits on PFAS in drinking water. Both Allen and Olson emphasized the importance of the move. “It’s a historic first step toward taking this issue seriously,” Olson says. But they also noted that it’s limited: The proposal would address six typ...
getting into groundwater that may be used for water supplies or for private drinking water wells. Such contamination is typically localized and associated with a specific facility, such as an industrial facility where these chemicals were manufactured or used in other products, or by an airfield th...
PFAS contamination in drinking water is a critical challenge due to its widespread presence and persistent nature. The U.S. has been one of the forerunners in the fight against this problem, with regulations in place in several states and the imminent introduction...
"After decades of delay, President Biden's EPA has delivered a drinking water standard for PFOA and PFOS which, when finalized, will be the toughest in the nation," Ruffalo said in the EPA statement. "My message to polluters is simple: after poisoning your workers and neighbors for decades,...
Incarcerated populations are of particular concern for toxic drinking water because they have reduced access to mitigating a known exposure. Incarcerated people are generally already in worse health and therefore more vulnerable to acute health impacts compared to the free population. They are also dispr...