Our brand's founding team has more than 20 years of manufacturing and using experience in personal combat gear. In order to adapt to future development trends, we created a new brand “PEW Tactical” in 2019. Adhering to the strict requirements for the use of tactical equipment and the pursu...
顺便为了方便携带还给各位股东准备了配套尺寸的多色携行包,侧面有弹力筋可以额外携带两根笔。原型boxcutter gear的版本无敌难受,要么魔术贴勾面固定要么molle固定。。。于是俺们决定做个结合,给魔术贴勾面上开molle槽并附送两根仇恨条,愿意挂背心的挂molle,不愿意挂molle的往各种魔术贴毛面上粘,属于是花一分钱爽两次 ...
Our brand's founding team has more than 20 years of manufacturing and using experience in personal combat gear. In order to adapt to future development trends, we created a new brand “PEW Tactical” in 2019. Adhering to the strict requirements for the use of tactical equipment and the pursu...
官方说明此处可用来携带6个备用弹匣,实测确实可塞。不过自然也可以拿来携带一些诸如医疗用品之类的小零碎,四舍五入等于白送了两个Blue Force Gear三联556弹匣包嘛~加上VS此处选择的弹力带比较厚实,不是BFG那种薄薄一层,其实塞了东西之后的体感并没有很硌。 位于背心后板包内侧的左右侧围尺寸调节机构 S (27).jpg...
PEW TACTICAL is keen on replicating many first-line brands, such as Spiritus Systems, Crye Precision, Haley Strategic, Ferro Concepts, GBRS Group Gear, Blue Force Gear, AXL Advanced, etc. In addition, the brand also launched products such as summer military-style short-sleeves, tactical ...
Material:Nylon,Crafted from durable Nylon, this plate carrier withstands rigorous use in hunting and tactical scenarios. USMC Scalable Plate Carrier:The USMC scalable feature adapts to various plate sizes, ensuring a secure fit for different gear. ...
This makes it a valuable addition to any tactical gear collection, whether you're a law enforcement officer, a military personnel, or an airsoft enthusiast. Its adaptability ensures that it can be used in various scenarios, from training exercises to real-world operations, providing reliable ...
participating in a paintball game, the Pew Tactical M67 Rgd-5 Model Pouch is designed to keep your grenades secure and within reach. Its compatibility with a range of tactical gear, including the havoc grenade launcher and the pubg grenade launcher, ensures that it fits seamlessly into your ...
participating in a paintball game, the Pew Tactical M67 Rgd-5 Model Pouch is designed to keep your grenades secure and within reach. Its compatibility with a range of tactical gear, including the havoc grenade launcher and the pubg grenade launcher, ensures that it fits seamlessly into your ...
我们也注册了商标,并且把PEW PEW PEW TACTICAL改名为PEW TACTICAL GEAR 以优秀扎实的做工,全原品面料辅料,以及相对实在的价格来推向市场。先发布2款已经顺利回收的小卫星。PT-OT01 战术胸挂剪刀套。这个产品是个小东西,主要是给市面上所有MK3 MK4 D3这类战术胸挂搭配使用的,属于一个扮骚小配件,详情看图。PT-...