Between our Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Classes, and live podcast we try to destroy the macho attitude of keyboard operators all over and make information obtainable to the common gun nut, beginner shooter, or seasoned vet. Pew Pew Nation is more of a lifestyle that every gun loving Ame...
YouTube's ties to videos with children just got even more awkward. In the first week of 2019, videos featuring children under the age of 13 brought in three times as many views as any other content, according to a new study byPew Research Centerreleased Thursday. ...
世界第一是pewdiepia,youtube上第一个单号粉丝量超过一亿的博主。影响力一直都是霸榜的,不过现在可能已经退环境了。 TA的1条回复 💦01号水聋人 3小时前 他太爱日本了 贴吧热榜 按内容热度排行,每小时更新一次 1 我发红色头发的人,你来给颜值打分 热度209.5W 2 请8u们评价一下长相 热度185.5W 3 ...
YouTube sigue siendo, por mucho, la plataforma más popular de redes sociales entre los adolescentes, siendo utilizada por el 93%. La cifra cayó en dos puntos porcentuales respecto al estudio de 2022. Le siguieron TikTok, Snapchat e Instagram, ...
迪士尼也不是给他本人投资,而是给他主理的MCN Revalmode撤资,受到影响的除了他之外还有蛮多YouTuber。
A new survey from the Pew Research Center looks at YouTube’s role in the evolving world of online news, providing an interesting look at how people use the service, and what kind of news makes it to the top of the charts. The study shows evidence of wha
来自皮尤研究中心的一份调查显示,51%的YouTube用户表示他们会依靠这个视频服务平台来了解如何做新事物,事实证明,该服务对普通用户和非普通用户来说都很重要。当然教育并不是使用YouTube的唯一理由。... 网页链接
The once-favorite social media platform Facebook is in sharp decline in popularity among American teenagers over the past seven years, as younger users now prefer to spend time on video platforms like YouTube and TikTok, according to a new survey released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center....