Our brand's founding team has more than 20 years of manufacturing and using experience in personal combat gear. In order to adapt to future development trends, we created a new brand “PEW Tactical” in 2019. Adhering to the strict requirements for the use of tactical equipment and the pursu...
Pew_Tactical_Concepts 2024-11-27 10:50 来自微博网页版 再上点小东西~~原创【沙威玛】卷卷折叠手提袋。沙威玛,阿拉伯语:شاورما,英语:Shawarma是一款阿拉伯肉食。这小袋子卷起来和串上的肉类似就取了这么个名。颜色的话一共9种配置,每种颜色分大小码。目前已经上架店铺,也加入了...
Clay和Jason后面都把Kagwerks手机壳挪到了胸前 说了这么多,我们来看看今天的主角,PEW Tactical复刻版SCARAB SC10构型。查前文的表格可知,SC10构型以LE前板搭配LT后板构,搭配可以插板的传统Molle侧围。 S (3).jpg 有人会说:“那你这现在配下来不就tm一件VS的APC嘛!” 诚然,更换了传统包围和LE前板的SCARAB...
#pewtactical##tacticool##战术装备#▼ 转发抽奖关注本号, 并转+评+赞本条动态,我们将随机抽选几位位股东送出2025滴尼龙年货~ 一等奖1人,JPC-R战术背心 MC色前后板袋+1band侧围1套,码数自选; 二等奖1人,JPC 2.0战术背心MC色一套; 三等奖5人,PEW TAC自产防水记事本+多功能本套,颜色随机不接受指定。
PEW TACTICAL New Products SCARAB LT ZIP-ON BACK PANEL BP07 $ 65.99 THORAX CHICKEN STRAP PLATE POCKET PAIR UA41 $ 25 NEW 6094 G3 V2 Plate Carrier VT12 $ 152.8 NEW Molle Front Flap FP17 $ 14.99 NEW Product Center Product Message
Our brand's founding team has more than 20 years of manufacturing and using experience in personal combat gear. In order to adapt to future development trends, we created a new brand “PEW Tactical” in 2019. Adhering to the strict requirements for the use of tactical equipment and the pursu...
PEW_TACTICAL2024年12月16日 11:00 鸽了许久的狼头社Delta小背包终于要来叻!拖这么久其实主要还是卡在Arid和Tropic的部分小辅料上,但是嘞总算还是搞好了!各色即将上架~~~ 同时这次还一并做掉了AA tactical社给Delta开发的魔术贴整理板,方便各位股东进行个性化内容物整理墙裂建议和Delta一起冲...
PEW TACTICAL SS STYLE Knifenook MOLLE Expander Wing TEGRIS AIRSOFT MK4 MK5 Tactical Chest RigCNY 91.31-111.72/piece YAKEDA Plate Carrier Tactical Vest Outdoor Hunting Protective Shoulder Adjustable Vest Airsoft CarrierCNY 98.30-341.87/piece Tactical Improvement Lab Coat All Cotton Imitation Hemp Crepe ...
PEW TACTICAL SS STYLE Mutant Pouch Airsoft Radio Magazine Pouch High-capacity Utility PouchCNY 195.23-272.65/piece TB-FMA Shotshell Carrier New 8Q Series Practical Shotgun 12 Gauge Shell Belt Holder BLACK For Hunting Gun GearCNY 134.83/piece PEW TACTICAL SS STYLE Knifenook MOLLE Expander Wing TEG...