In Outlive, Peter Attia has delivered the definitive look at the complex subject of longevity. Comprehensive and rigorous, Outlive is full of surprising insights into the diseases of aging that will likely kill most of us, and the tactics and techniques that can help us live longer and in bet...
Today, what began as a personal blog about nutrition has grown into the site you see here: An ever-expanding hub of content on exercise, nutrition, metabolic disease, and all other topics related to the science of longevity. I’ve written and interviewed experts about topics I get asked abo...
In Outlive, Peter Attia has delivered the definitive look at the complex subject of longevity. Comprehensive and rigorous, Outlive is full of surprising insights into the diseases of aging that will likely kill most of us, and the tactics and techniques that can help us live longer and in bet...
早!分享《Outlive》作者Peter Attia医生说过一段话,翻译后大致是:人的饮食习惯会影响ta消耗能量的方式。同时,ta如何消耗能量又会影响ta吃什么以及怎么吃。并且现在吃什么,也会影响以后吃什么。随后发胖或变瘦,这些又会影响之后消耗能量的方式。随着对身体对食物以及对营养的了解加深,现在更能get到这个复杂而微妙的动态...
Ep 534 - Outlive (feat. Peter Attia) (十二月 5, 2024) Self - Guest Today (2024) (TV Series) - Self - Longevity Physician (1 episode, 2024) Episode dated 8 March 2024 (三月 8, 2024) Self - Longevity Physician (as Dr. Peter Attia) More Plates More Dates (2023) (Podcast ... 2024.12.6 Early Medical的创始人彼得·阿提亚(Peter Attia)博士与我们一同探讨他的新书《超越:长寿的科学与艺术》。这本书是一部开创性的宣言,旨在超越传统医学对衰老的认知,提供一种全新的方法来预防慢性疾病并延长健康寿命。彼得博士作为一名富有远见的医生...
Outlive Peter Attia 儲存 Medicine 3.0 Tactics 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 Medicine 3.0 has five tactics: exercise, nutrition, sleep, emotional health, exogenous molecules (drugs, hormones, or supplements) 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 建立者 staceyreaves2
To quote Outlive (Chapter 15): “Finally, unless they are eating a lot of fatty fish, filling their coffers with marine omega-3 PUFA, they [Peter’s patients] almost always need to take EPA and DHA supplements in capsule or oil form.” In Peter’s 2023 video on supplements, he says...
看了一大半的Peter Attia 的畅销书<Outlive> 超越百岁。虽然这个名字很自大,但是核心是说如何让身体机能延缓衰老,并且生命的最后的十年能够能量保持生活质量? 比如? 能轻松的从椅子上站起来, 摔倒的时候有骨密度支撑,和强壮的握力来抓住身边得把手… 能延缓四大致命的慢性疾病靠近等等…其中对我来说最重要的观点是...
英文原版 长寿 Outlive 长寿的科学与艺术 健康 Peter Attia 精装 进口英语原版书籍广州瑞雅图书专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.9 高 物流履约: 4.4 中 售后服务: 4.5 中 手机下单 进店逛逛 | 关注店铺 关注 举报 企业购更优惠 英文原版 长寿 Outlive 长寿的科学与艺术 健康 Peter Attia 精装 进口...