"Come on, Pete, down the hall to a room with books on every wall." Where is Pete going? The Library! Pete has never been to the library before! Does Pete worry? Goodness, no! He finds his favourite book and sings his song: "I'm reading in my school shoes, I'm reading in my ...
Pete the Cat and the Lost Tooth Pete the Kitty and the Case of the Hiccups Pete the Kitty Goes to the Doctor Pete the Kitty and the Unicorn’s Missing Colors Beginning Reading 1 Pete the Cat Goes Camping Pete the Cat Super Pete Pete the Cat Trip to the Supermarket Pete the Cat Family...
所属专辑:Mia’s Reading 猜你喜欢 1323 Pete The Cat by:头大如豆 59.9万 Pete the cat by:阿尔忒尼斯之舟 4401 Pete the Cat by:Mina妈妈教英语 2062 Pete the cat by:英语随记 941 Pete the cat by:珠海菁英文 2082 Pete猫 by:成都英语私教刘老师 ...
> 皮特猫系列24册 英文原版 Pete the Cat 英语绘本 入门级一阶段分级阅读 亲子共读 I Can Read My First Reading 情商性格培养 皮特猫系列24册 弘书阁旗舰店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.7 高 物流履约: 5.0 高 售后服务: 4.8 高 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 ...
Pete the Cat系列绘本不仅内容丰富,而且非常有助于培养孩子自信、乐观、勇敢的优秀品格。通过阅读,孩子们能够学会接纳自己,勇敢地直面困难,并乐于与他人分享。在《I Love My White Shoes》中,孩子们可以探索颜色的奥秘;而在《Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons》里,他们又能学到简单的算术知识。此外...
所属专辑:Reading Record 猜你喜欢 4467 Pete the Cat by:Mina妈妈教英语 1364 Pete The Cat by:头大如豆 62.2万 Pete the cat by:阿尔忒尼斯之舟 1062 Pete the cat by:珠海菁英文 2063 Pete the cat by:英语随记 2084 Pete猫 by:成都英语私教刘老师 ...
It is lunchtime. Pete is ready to eat. 现在是午饭时间。皮特猫准备去吃东西。 What should Pete eat? 皮特猫应该吃什么? A sandwich would be nice. 一个三明治应该不错。 Yes, Pete wants a sandwich. 是的,皮特猫想要一个三明治...
#声音里的春节##听见微博# Pete the Cat Series 1-10 - James Dean 有声书音频 Pete the Cat Series - 38 Audiobooks - James Dean 有声书音频MP3 - 38本下载链接:http://t.cn/A6Yv1rUr Reading age : 4 ...
#听见微博# 40. Pete the Cat’s Wacky Taco Tuesday (Mar 5, 2024) 有声书 Pete the Cat Series - 40 Audiobooks - James Dean 有声书音频MP3 - 40本下载链接:http://t.cn/A6TqDIbP Reading age : 4 - 8...