Pete the Cat has a mitt, a ball, and a bat and is ready to play baseball. Pete's team, the Rocks, is playing the Rolls. But when things don't go Pete's way, will he get upset? 在91READING 客户端打开 收藏读书听书测试 提示:网页版已停用 ...
#听见微博# 40. Pete the Cat’s Wacky Taco Tuesday (Mar 5, 2024) 有声书 Pete the Cat Series - 40 Audiobooks - James Dean 有声书音频MP3 - 40本下载链接: Reading age : 4 - 8...
趣趣英语 Lisa朗读了 pete the cat I love my white shoes(color 赞(0) 2017/7/20 20:56:55 播放381 次pete the cat I love my white shoes(colors) 英语学习从未如此有趣 下载趣趣英语app
#听见微博# 39. Pete the Kitty and the Three Bears (Feb 27, 2024) 有声书 Pete the Cat Series - 40 Audiobooks - James Dean 有声书音频MP3 - 40本下载链接: Reading age : 4 - ...
欢迎收听由主播巧多狮为您带来的“Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes 皮特猫穿着校鞋去摇滚”精彩有声内容,该音频时长4分52秒,已被收听553次。为您推荐更多相关的音频“David goes to school 大卫去上学”、“Spot goes to school 小玻去上学”,下载喜马拉雅APP,
Pete the cat and the new guy 彼得猫和新伙伴 00:0006:58打开APP 收听完整版 以上内容来自专辑中英文儿童绘本-Mindfulness reading for kids 2.90万406免费订阅 Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes 彼得猫穿着校鞋 66906:09 Pete the cat and the new guy 彼得猫和新伙伴 68906:58 Hugless Douglas ...
皮特猫系列24册 英文原版 Pete the Cat 英语绘本 入门级一阶段分级阅读 亲子共读 I Can Read My First Reading 情商性格培养 皮特猫系列24册 弘书阁旗舰店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.7 高 物流履约: 5.0 高 售后服务: 4.8 高 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 ...
Pete the Cat《皮特猫》是一套在美国家喻户晓、几乎每个孩子必读的经典绘本,也是全美的情绪绘本,几乎每个家庭的孩子都拥有一册《皮特猫》。《皮特猫》系列有利于培养孩子自信、乐观、勇敢的品格,它让孩子学会接纳自己、直面困难、乐于分享!更重要的是,孩子可以从中学会认知自己的情绪,学会哈哈大笑,变得更自信、更乐观、...
Pete the Cat: Scuba-Catis a My First I Can Read Book, which means it’s perfect for shared reading with a child. New readers will love the easy-to-read format and groovy illustrations in Pete the Cat’s first I Can Read underwater journey!