so the T7 expression region is reversed on the pET-28c DNA 69866-3 circular map. The cloning/expression region of the coding strand transcribed by T7 RNA poly- Call 137-649-32037 to buy the vector in China. merase is shown below. The f1 origin is oriented so that infection with helper...
pET-28a-c(+) Vector Map(KanR)质粒图谱 pET-28a-c(+) Vectors pET-28a DNA pET-28b DNA pET-28c DNA Cat. No. 69864-3 69865-3 69866-3 TB074 12/98 The pET-28a-c(+) vectors carry an N-terminal His?Tag?/thrombin/T7?Tag? con?guration plus an optional C-terminal His?Tag sequence....
1、TB074 12/98pET-28a-c(+) VectorsCat. No. pET-28a DNA69864-3pET-28b DNA69865-3pET-28c DNA69866-3The pET-28a-c(+) vectors carry an N-terminal His?Tag ?/thrombin/T7?Tag - con?guration plus an optional C-terminal His?Tag sequence. Unique sites are shown on the circle map. ...
pET-28a-c(+) Vectorsl acI ( 773- 1852)or i ( 3286)Kan ( 3995- 4807)f 1 or i gi n ( 4903- 5358)Bpu1102 I ( 80)Xba I ( 335)Bgl I I ( 401)Sgr A I ( 442)Sph I ( 598)M l u I ( 1123)Bcl I ( 1137)Bst E I I ( 1304)Apa I ( 1334)BssH I I ( 1534)EcoR ...
anoptionalC-terminalHis•Tagsequence.Uniquesitesareshownonthecirclemap.Notethatthe sequenceisnumberedbythepBR322convention,sotheT7expressionregionisreversedonthe circularmap.Thecloning/expressionregionofthecodingstrandtranscribedbyT7RNApoly- meraseisshownbelow.Thef1originisorientedsothatinfectionwithhelperphagewill...
附件 1 :pET28.pdf 2015-02-05 12:47:10, 39.42 K 附件 2 :pET28a_map.dna 2015-02-05 12...
No amino acid residues added at cloning junction 5’ GTT CCG CGT GGT AGT --- 3’ 5’ AAG AAG GAG ATA TAC CAT G --- 3’ 5’ CAA GCT TCG TCA TCA --- 3’ 5’ AATTAATACGACTCACTATAGGG 3’ 5’ ATGCTAGTTATTGCTCAGCGG 3’ pET28a-LIC vector map T7 promoter N-terminal tag ...
1、TB074 12/98pET-28a-c(+) VectorsCat. No.pET-28a DNA69864-3pET-28b DNA69865-3pET-28c DNA69866-3Call 137-649-32037 to buy the vector in China.The pET-28a-c(+) vectors carry an N-terminal His?Tag ?/thrombin/T7?Tag - con?guration plus an optional C-terminal His?Tag sequence...
Unique sites are shown on the circle map. Note that the sequence is numbered by the pBR322 convention, so the T7 expression region is reversed on the circular map. The cloning/expression region of the coding strand transcribed by T7 RNA poly- merase is shown below. The f1 origin is ...