Kalawat Tek ChandKrishna Kishore ChennuLakshmi Amancharla YadagiriRanadheer Manthri GuptaRam RapurSiva Kumar VishnubotlaHemodial IntUtility of 18F-FDG PET/CT scan to diagnose the etiology of fever of unknown origin in patients on dialysis. Tek Chand K,Chennu KK,Amancharla Yadaqiri L,et al. ...
18F-FET is described to provide well-contrasted images of CNS tumours, to guide tissue sampling, to help planning surgery and radiotherapy, to diagnose both low- and high-grade primary tumours, to distinguish tumour recurrence and post-therapy radionecrosis and to predict patients' outcome [41]....
Does performing a PET scan improve our ability to diagnose pancreatic cancer and identify unresectable disease?Helicobacter heilmanniiacute gastric mocosal lesionstouch cytologyA 69-year-old-woman presented with acute epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting and heartburn. Endoscopy disclosed acute gastric ...
90%) and close to the hilum (MRI VIBE: 21/21, 100%; MRI HASTE: 20/21, 95%). Lung nodules with very low contrast in CT were not detectable at MRI VIBE and MRI HASTE. Especially ground glass density was unfavorable for MRI detection rate in both sequences (MRI VIBE: 13/20, 65%...