yield loss and enhancing food safety without compromising the quality of the crops. They may have several advantages over their chemical counterparts and are expected to occupy a large share of the market in the future. Although the effectiveness of conventional chemical pesticides has allowed for th...
efforts were made to increase productivity by fighting the losses inflicted by insects, weeds, and plant pathogens through the discovery of pesticides. At the same time, pesticides proved to be more dangerous due to their indiscriminate and excessive use, contaminating food (milk, honey, cereals, ...
“The next question was: ‘Will this do anything to our baby?’” As it turns out, these chemicals can pass through the placenta, gaining access to the baby’s bloodstream and, eventually, its delicate, developing brain. The brain is more vulnerable at that time than almost any other, ...
Consequently, the need for food is expected to increase from roughly 70%–100% compared to 2010 (Godfray et al., 2010). In the wake of this ever-increasing population, global food security is on the rise; and as a result, the use of pesticides has become unavoidable. Besides use in ...
Over the past century, the global population has swiftly increased, and in the current century, growth continues implying an increase in food needs1,2.In 2050, the population is projected to increase by 30% to approximately 9.2 billion3,4. Although, intensive agriculture was a tool to achieve...
Slightly more than 90 different genomes of baculoviruses have been sequenced so far [78], and this number will continue to increase in the next years. It is assumed that the different strains of baculovirus can infect around 700 different insect species, most of them being Lepidoptera. Baculoviru...
How can we revamp the use of safe alternatives to control pests and diseases on farms? How can farmers access these safe alternatives? How can companies such as Dudu Tech, which produce safe alternatives be supported by the government to increase production?
Slightly more than 90 different genomes of baculoviruses have been sequenced so far [78], and this number will continue to increase in the next years. It is assumed that the different strains of baculovirus can infect around 700 different insect species, most of them being Lepidoptera. Baculoviru...
(e.g., meat) as well as a propensity for more processed and pre-prepared foods (Popkin2001; de Haen et al.2003). Consequently, in order to meet this demand, it is estimated that food production will need to increase by 70%, with a 30% increase in annual cereal production (to 3 ...
ArticleOpen access Introduction Seafood consumption by humans contributes significantly to the intake of eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids, vitamin D, and other micronutrients that are essential to keep a healthy life1,2. Despite knowing the origin of these micronutrients, consumers...