Evaluation of pesticide residues in vegetables and risk assessment from Incheon, Korea Article 20 January 2023 The implications of pesticide residue in food crops on human health: a critical review Article Open access 18 December 2024 Explore related subjects Discover the latest articles, news ...
Regulating pesticides in food: The delaney paradox: Committee on Scientific and Regulatory Issues Underlying Pesticide Use Patterns and Agricultural Innovation, Board on Agriculture, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington DC, 1987. 272 pp. ISBN 0-309-03746-8. Price: £17.05 ...
Carcinogenic Risks in Food and Pesticidesdoi:10.1080/04345546009414982NonePest Articles & News Summaries
onmaximumresiduelevelsofpesticidesinoronfoodandfeedofplantandanimaloriginand amendingCouncilDirective91/414/EEC (TextwithEEArelevance) THEEUROPEANPARLIAMENTANDTHECOUNCILOFTHE EUROPEANUNION, HavingregardtotheTreatyestablishingtheEuropean Community,andinparticularArticles37and152(4)(b) thereof, Havingregardtothepropo...
As far as in the interest of people, such hazardous chemicals are gaining access to get inside the food chain indirectly leading to adversely affecting individual's health with passage of time. The microbial resources in consortia or alone are able to degrade them upto considerable extent and ...
Large datasets were extracted from the 500 peer-reviewed journal articles, as shown in Supplementary Tables 1 and 2. These data are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. Source data are provided with this paper. References The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the...
Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture All Volumes & Issues Open Access Pesticides in Food and the Environment ISSN: 2196-5641 (Online) In this topical collection (1 articles) Research Anthraquinone in Indonesian infusion tea: analysis by HPLC–UV and risk assessment Retno Yusi...
Effects of pesticides in children's health Noshi-do lesson seven: Kick aspartame and give psychiatry the chop Hidden pesticides: natural and organic is no guarantee Reviews for belly fat cure View more Healthy Eating On-the-Go With Popular Nutrition Mobile Apps US Farmers And F...
Pesticide residues are a major concern in food security and environmental pollution. Thus, establishing safe, reliable, efficient methods for qualitative and qualitative analyses of residual pesticides is urgent. We developed a nanoscale fluorescent aptasensor based on the specific acetamiprid recognizing abi...
Furthermore, in the last 20 years, the consumption of pesticides in all countries has increased substantially, and some health problems such as cancer, neurological disorders, and reproductive disorders have been related to the use of food and water contaminated with pesticides with few guidelines or...