Pesticides in the Environment General Statementdoi:10.1080/05331846509432213NonePest Articles & News Summaries
The good news? There's no need to worry about pesticides in almost two-thirds of produce, including nearly all of the organic fruits and vegetables examined. The analysis found broccoli to be a safe bet, for instance, not because the vegetable did not contain pesticide residues but because...
WASHINGTON, Oct. 6 (Xinhua) -- About three-quarters of the world's honey is contaminated with neonicotinoids, currently the most widely used class of insecticides worldwide, a new study has found. However, researchers of the study, published in Friday's issue of the U.S. journal Science, ...
biochemical pesticides and botanical pesticides. Although the consumption of biological pesticides accounts for a relatively low percentage in the pesticide industry, the development of biopesticides is keep growing. In recent years, the Chinese government has also encouraged enterprises to develop and...
HomeNewsProductsICAMA RegistrationContacts Trioxyflanilide - A new common name for a meta-diamide insecticide from Zhejiang Udragon Pesticides and Chemicals Co. Ltd. provisionally approved by ISO Founded in 1998, Hangzhou Udragon Chemical Co., Lt. is now a nationally designated agrochemical manufacture...
EU pesticides regulation: How public support can be rebuilt,The regulation of pesticides in the EU has become increasingly controversial. But what are the views
In 2016, organic foods were sampled at 5,495, of which 98.7 percent were within legal limits and 83.1 percent were free of quantifiable residues. EFSA also evaluates the results of the EU coordinated control program (EUCP), under which the reporting countries analyze samples from the same “ba...
The European Commission has adopted a two-year-long moratorium on the use of three necotinoid pesticides believed to be one of the reasons behind a 30 percent annual decrease in bee populations since 2007.
Kale, the popular vegetable that serves as a staple in "clean eating" meal plans just made it onto the Environmental Wellness Group’s annual ranking of the most pesticide-ridden fruits and vegetables, otherwise known as the "Dirty Dozen." A recent investigation by Consumer Reports has found ...
Below are news stories that show the adverse effects after Santa Clara County Vector Control fogs our neighborhoods. West Nile Fogging Kills Hundreds of Bees in Palo Alto ByMichelle Roberts