Efectos del ácido Hialurónico de alto peso molecular en lesiones del Cartílago Articular: Experiencia en Gonartrosisgonarthrosishialuronic acidarthroscopyartrosiskneea prospective study was made in the hospital "domingo luciani" to evaluate the efficiency of the hyaluronic acid (ha) on the arti...
DESIGN: Stage III clinical trial to evaluate efficacy and safety in a new indication of a medicine already on...doi:10.1016/S0025-7753(02)72519-0Rullán, ManuelCerdà, LlúciaFrontera, GuillemLlobera, JoanElsevier EspanaMedicina Clínica
ESTUDIO DEL PROCESO DE EXTRACCIN DE ALCOHOLES DE ALTO PESO MOLECULAR A PARTIR DE LA CERA CACHAZA. (Spanish).(English):Raw wax possesses 60% of material non saponificable and inside this are 72.1% of alcohols, while the fatty fraction has 23% of material non saponificable, then yes the...
Anales De Medicina InternaAlonso JL, Abinzano ML, Solano M, Alvarez M.T, Gutierrez J, Munue- ra L. Tratamiento del tromboembolismo pulmonar agudo con heparina de bajo peso molecular. Comparacion con heparina no fraccionada intravenosa. An Med Interna (Madrid) 2005; 22: 177-81....