Efectos del ácido Hialurónico de alto peso molecular en lesiones del Cartílago Articular: Experiencia en Gonartrosisgonarthrosishialuronic acidarthroscopyartrosiskneea prospective study was made in the hospital "domingo luciani" to evaluate the efficiency of the hyaluronic acid (ha) on the arti...
Low-molecular-weight heparins are a bioequivalent group of drugs used in the prophylaxis and treatment of thrombotic disease, especially in the venous thromboembolism. However, searching in the literature and in the guides of clinical practice no references can be found to obtain a high grade of...
ESTUDIO DEL PROCESO DE EXTRACCIN DE ALCOHOLES DE ALTO PESO MOLECULAR A PARTIR DE LA CERA CACHAZA. (Spanish).(English):Raw wax possesses 60% of material non saponificable and inside this are 72.1% of alcohols, while the fatty fraction has 23% of material non saponificable, then yes the...
DESIGN: Stage III clinical trial to evaluate efficacy and safety in a new indication of a medicine already on...doi:10.1016/S0025-7753(02)72519-0Rullán, ManuelCerdà, LlúciaFrontera, GuillemLlobera, JoanElsevier EspanaMedicina Clínica
Anales De Medicina InternaAlonso JL, Abinzano ML, Solano M, Alvarez M.T, Gutierrez J, Munue- ra L. Tratamiento del tromboembolismo pulmonar agudo con heparina de bajo peso molecular. Comparacion con heparina no fraccionada intravenosa. An Med Interna (Madrid) 2005; 22: 177-81....