疲惫的女商人靠在桌子上(Tired businesswoman leaning on desk) 戴白色安全帽的男子靠在桌子上,上面有草图(Man Wearing White Hard Hat Leaning on Table With Sketch Plans) 靠在桌子上拿笔的人(Person Holding Pen Leaning on Table) 疲惫的商人睡在桌子上的自由形象(FREE image of Tired businessman sleepin...
戴白色安全帽的男子靠在桌子上,上面有草图(Man Wearing White Hard Hat Leaning on Table With Sketch Plans) 女商人在纸上写字(Businesswoman writing on a paper) 疲惫的女商人靠在桌子上(Tired businesswoman leaning on desk) 女孩在纸上写字(Girl Writing on Paper) ...
Do not step on doorsills or stand leaning on one leg. When sitting, do not sprawl or fidget. 緩揭簾。勿有聲。寬轉彎。勿觸棱。 When entering a room, we should open the door quietly. When walking, we should be aware of our surroundings so as not to bump into anything. 執虛器。如...
"Most people lean over their desk to type, and this, to me, is the main cause of tech neck," Dr. Matthew Cooper, CEO of USA Sports Therapy,told Healthline. To keep yourself from leaning forward, Cooper recommends your shoulders rest at the back of your chair while you're sitting. _...
4. 根据后文“Try to get up and walk around at least once an hour, leaving your phone on the desk.”可知,努力起床,远离手机,散步一小时,此段讲的是定期地运动和休息。A.项中的“ regular breaks.”与上文的“ walk around at least once an hour,”一致,故选A。5. 根据上文“Make your work...
Do not step on doorsills or stand leaning on one leg. When sitting, do not sprawl or fidget. 緩揭簾。勿有聲。寬轉彎。勿觸棱。 When entering a room, we should open the door quietly. When walking, we should be aware of our surroundings so as not to bump into anything. 執虛器。如...
I have yet to settle in to work on a new project. I have about 8 WIPs that I’d love to finish eventually. At the moment, I’m leaning towards completing the sequel to one of the books I released this year. I did a social media poll, and the answers were split pretty much down...
红棕色酒瓶,放在带盒子的蛋糕旁边的桌子上(red and brown bottle lot on table beside cake with box) 在排队的人旁边的桌子上服务的人(man serving on desk near people lining up) 在调味品旁边的桌子上切披萨的人(person slicing pizza on top of table beside condiments) ...
爱给网提供海量的高清图库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为jpg 格式的拿着黑笔在白色笔记本上写字的人(person holding black pen and writing on white notebook), 本站编号41414143, 该高清图库素材大小为4m, 分辨率为4968 x 3312, 更多精彩高清图库素材,尽在爱给网。 浏览本次作品的您可能还对 书房笔记虔诚的...
使用智能手机,双脚放在电脑桌上的人(person using smartphone while resting both feet on computer desk) 夜间使用智能手机时,穿着紫色上衣和黑色牛仔裤的妇女站在地面上(woman wearing purple blouse and black jeans standing on soil surface while using smartphone during nighttime) 使用智能手机的人(person using...