爱给网提供海量的高清图库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为jpg 格式的斜靠在桌子上的穿黑衬衫的女人(woman in black shirt leaning on desk), 本站编号41499374, 该高清图库素材大小为3m, 分辨率为4000 x 6000, 更多精彩高清图库素材,尽在爱给网。 浏览本次作品的您可能还对 美国女人霓虹灯配件夜衣服罩肖像生活尤...
In an amazing study by Harvard Business School, researchers found that when people posed in expansive high-power poses (putting their hands behind their heads and their feet on the desk or leaning over a desk and planting their hands far apart), within as little as 2 minutes, they had high...
年轻女子一边工作一边用笔思考/ 在她的办公桌前学习(Young woman thinking with pen while working / studying at her desk) 疲惫的女商人靠在桌子上(Tired businesswoman leaning on desk) 《微笑的年轻女子》自由写真(FREE image of Portrait of young woman smiling) 女大学生靠黑板在桌子旁学习(Female college...
There was a minivan there already and a man was leaning on the fence explaining something to his passenger. “Tessa this is the rift. We’ve found the rift. Look at that.” By pure chance we’d stopped at the view point for the great continental rift. On one side Iceland, the o...
The old lady is still leaning out her window. She is rather short, so this requires some effort on her part. I shake my head as I approach. “I didn’t see her. Can you call her?” This, having only recently occurred to me as a step-saving solution. ...
Time lapse office worker looking at CAM as files are stacked on desk / leaning back as files are taken away 00:12 Wide shot woman distributing paychecks to office workers in cubicles / man opening paycheck in cubicle 00:08 Medium shot woman sitting at desk with hands folded / time lapse ...
“Show us there is a time to make decisions and there is very much a time to sit with strong feelings. Witness us leaning our swords and spears in the corner to rest awhile. Teach us to clean out old ideas, old expectations, old patterns, old triggers and old bad habits,” Pixie ...
His footsteps stopped on the other side of the door. I could feel the pressure under the wood of his body leaning on the other side of it. My heart was in my throat. I didn’t have the strength to keep him from opening that door. “This is my house,” he growled through the th...
The barest whisper of a memory from their vid messages coalesced in Janeway's mind, causing her to grin. Leaning up, she captured the Borg's lips in a gently loving kiss. "Ahem." Phoebe cleared her throat. "If you two are done drooling all over the carpet, we should probably get ...