Welcome to the PERS Health Insurance Program (PHIP). We offer health insurance coverage for all eligible Oregon PERS retirees, their eligible spouses and dependents. Health insurance is an important piece when considering retirement and PHIP is here as an option for your retiree health coverage…Abo...
If you are enrolled in the PacificSource Medicare Advantage Essentials 803 RX retiree health plan you will automatically move to either the PERS Providence Medicare Advantage Flex Group Plan + Rx (HMO-POS) or the PERS UnitedHealthcare® Group Medicare Advantage (PPO) plan, depending on the cou...
A Medicare eligible spouse can enroll in a PHIP Medicare health plan before the PERS retiree within 90 days from their initial Medicare eligibility in Part A and Part B. This is also contingent on the PERS retiree enrolling in PHIP upon their final enrollment opportunity. If the PERS retiree ...