Welcome to the PERS Health Insurance Program (PHIP). We offer health insurance coverage for all eligible Oregon PERS retirees, their eligible spouses and dependents. Health insurance is an important piece when considering retirement and PHIP is here as an option for your retiree health coverage…Abo...
PHIP enrollment opportunities, as defined in OAR 459-035-0070, are the only times you can enroll in PHIP: Eligible retirees and their spouses or dependents who do not choose to enroll in a PHIP health plan during one of these enrollment opportunities will not be able to enroll in PHIP ...
CalPERS plans to spend $5.3 billion to purchase benefits for more than 1.2 million state and local government employees, retirees and their families in 2008 compared with $4.9 billion in 2007.WojcikJoanneBusiness Insurance
The National Institute for Public Employee Health Care Policy (the Institute) is a non-profit (501)(c)(3), nonpartisan, national policy institute focused on public policy areas impacting health care plans available to public sector employees, ...
The CalPERS Board has expressed itsincreasing concern about the impact of potential adverse risks to our plansstability and price competitiveness. While remaining true to the purposesset forth in PEMHCA as a vehicle for providing public employers an attractiveoption for employee health benefits, CalPE...
Public pensions and unions don’t want government employees switched to 401(k) plans. In a move toward equity, a public pension coalition push to improve retirement for everyone helped create new state-run automatic-IRA plans for private-sector workers like CalSavers. ...