userid INT PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL ); 这样,你就可以通过操作自己的表来管理用户信息,而无需直接访问pg_user表了。 总结 在使用OpenGauss数据库时,遇到’permission denied for relation pg_user’错误时,可以通过超级用户登录并授予权限来解决。但出于安全考虑,更推荐的方法是创建用户模式,并...
通过授予用户或角色特定的权限,可以保护数据库的安全性。当出现"permission denied for relation pg_user"错误时,说明当前用户没有访问pg_user表的权限。要解决这个问题,需要使用超级用户登录并为用户授予访问pg_user表的权限。 希望本文能帮助你理解OpenGauss的权限系统,并解决相关的权限问题。
针对您遇到的问题“Navicat导出高斯库permission denied for relation pg_user”,这里有几个可能的解决步骤和建议,我会按照您提供的提示逐一分析并给出答案: 1. 确认Navicat连接高斯库的配置信息是否正确 首先,确保Navicat中配置的高斯库(可能是OpenGauss或其他类似系统)的连接信息是正确的,包括但不限于数据库地址、端口...
CSN <> writes: > I tried using pg_dumpall and got this error: > pg_dumpall: query failed: ERROR: permission denied > for relation pg_shadow You really need to run that as superuser. regards, tom lane ...
gpg: deleting secret key failed: Permission denied gpg: deleting secret subkey failed: Permission denied gpg: FAAC601700B5612F67D176DB776D6D1BCDFB7379: delete key failed: Permission denied Login as userA directly, UserA can delete secret keys....
ERROR: permission denied for schema public LINE 1: CREATE TABLE test (id INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id)) ^ 2023-08-24 02:17:35.713 UTC [68] ERROR: permission denied for schema public at character 14 2023-08-24 02:17:35.713 UTC [68] STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE test (id INT NOT ...
ERROR: permission denied for relation pg_tablespace This is not blocking, I just have to close it, but it gets really annoying. I could not find a setting to tell DBeaver not to check the tablespace at all. A proposed fix could be to: ...
Only postgres user or superuser can grant CREATEROLE permission to a user or role in postgres. If you don’t have this permission, you will get ERROR: permission denied to create role. Check permissions assigned to a user: postgres=# \du ...
ERROR: permission denied for schema SCOTT LINE 1: select * from SCOTT.SERVER_LOAD_INFO; SOLUTION: We need to provide usage privilege on that schema to other user also. As per postgres note: By default, users cannot access any objects in schemas they do not own. To allow that, the owner...