1.执行以下语句 SELECT 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE "' || tablename || '" TO ds_sdms_qd;' FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'ds_sdms_qd'; 2.执行上述语句结果
错误[42501]: error: permission denied for table pg_attribute 表明当前数据库用户没有足够的权限来访问 pg_attribute 表。这个表是PostgreSQL的系统表之一,通常用于存储数据库对象的属性信息。 2. 了解pg_attribute表的作用和权限要求 pg_attribute 是PostgreSQL的内部系统表,用于存储数据库中所有表、视图、索引等对...
Database connection cannot be added. FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "*xxx*.\ *xxx*.\ *xx*.\ *xxx*", user "*user_name*", database "*db_name*", SSL off Resolution Occurs when attempting to save a subscription database definition. The subscription server isn't permitted to c...
What you expected to happen: session退出时,日志不应该报 ERROR: permission denied for relation gs_encrypted_columns How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible): 执行临时表操作,退出时,会删除schema,在删除schema的时候会从gs_encrypted_table中删除临时表相关的加密列,无需在调用删除语句。
ERRMSG: "permission denied for terminate snapshot thread" SQLSTATE: 42501 CAUSE: "The user does not have system admin privilege" ACTION: "Grant system admin to user" ERRMSG: "terminate snapshot thread failed" SQLSTATE: OP001 CAUSE: "Execution failed due to: %s" ...
2. 如果源端使用的是高级权限账户则需要检查源库RDS PostgreSQL的小版本是否大于或等于20210228,如果源库...
ERROR: permission denied for relation category CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT 1 FROM ONLY "public"."category" x WHERE "category_id" OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) $1 FOR SHARE OF x" Here is the relevant part of\d: ALL PRIVILEGES: you don't say on what thisGRANTcommand was applied. Assuming ...
42 DPM failed to communicate with the protection agent on <ServerName> because access is denied. 1. Verify that the DPM server has DCOM launch and access permissions for <ServerName> and that the system time on the DPM server and the protected computer is synchronized with the system time ...
The upgrade process of aRed Hat Capsuleis encountering an error statingcould not access the server configuration file '/var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf': Permission denied. After performing an upgrade of theRed Hat Capsule, clients are encountering difficulties accessing the capsule. The capsule...
level:ERROR GS_213150019 errmsg:Permission denied when changing owner of directory. errhint: new owner must be superuser to alter a directory. level:ERROR GS_213150022 errmsg:permission denied to create extension %s. errhint: Must be system admin to create this extension. level:ERROR GS_...